This is a golf driving range made by Too Real Mike. The spawn at the beginning is messed up, i don't know how to fix it. It supports just regular slayer, preferred infinite ammo. The teleporter leads to a good view of the map. offerings of ideas for future maps or upgrades would help a lot thanks. Halo 3 File Details
This is a good map. very original. maybe next tim you could you could put spaces in the ground so if you miss the cup the soccer ball falls to the bottom. Good map though 4/5
Nice though but I would try to get a better picture of the driver. I love the idea,but driving ranges are way more complex,I golf so thats how I know.
HAHA YES! Finally someone put a map like this up. A word of advice though, try pushing the golf holes back more, and more spread apart. (this might force you to move the map to the crypt or the floor level) Also try to incorperate some creativity along with the originality of this map. For instance, possibly, use [deployable] grav lifts to make a more challenging hole. You know, basic thinking outside the box. Keep up the good work, Duck
I like it. Heres another idea you might like, plus all the other ones people are adding. Make a slight crack between certain floor pieces to make the ball follow it. Would get very annoying for people, and could be tough ^^.
Thank you all for the ideas so far, i'm going to be working on a V2 with a lot of improvements from your ideas. THANKS!
Nice map you double posted though. Well anyway this is a cool idea you could make it bigger. and try to mut some kind of gametype to it. Actualy that gives me an idea for a map... to the hover car!!! Any way accept critisizm maps can always be better. Except remedy thats freaken awsome!
Its pretty fun. The driving range is an original idea. Well forged. For a map like this no improvements needed.5/5
lol, as soon as I heard about the golf club and ball on sandbox, I knew there would be some original ideas. This is the first one I've seen that uses it. It looks good. I think you should erase the floor maybe, and make it alot bigger, and more open. And with some creative thinking, someone could create a real scoring system eh?
you put a link to your fileshare. you should of posted on forums Forum Conduct/Map Posting Map Posting Rules Maps must include at least one embedded picture of the map. All pictures must be embedded. Download links must lead to a posted map on the bungie forums, NOT your fileshare. You must include at least a brief description of the map. Post titles must consist of the map name ONLY and no other symbols, comments or irregular formatting. Failure to post your map correctly will lead to a topic lock after 24 hours in the absence of a fix.
u should remake for infection where zombies are invincible and you have to hit them with the golf balls. now THAT would be great but this map is still good. it just seems to me that you should add some thing.. to make it more explosive. something to make it a little less boring then just hitting balls into cups
I think I can help with your spawns. You probably aren't familiar with "starter spawns." To see these, be in forge, be moniter, press start, go to CHANGE GAMETYPE, select whatever gametype (slayer for now). When the round restarts, those "starter spawns" will appear on the map. Move or delete however. As for the map, I was waiting for something like this to come round. Except, it seems a bit...basic? You should create a gametype to focus just on golf. With slayer, people can kill eachother. If you have obedient players, its no problem, but its better to abolish honor rules if you can. A score system would also be nice to add though I see it could be difficult to make. Perhaps something with teleporter blockage? Play around with the idea. As of now, this is definitely original, just try maximize your planning with fully "completing" the game. Keep it up ;D
Cool map, pretty original. Just looking at the pictures gave me a really good idea as to how you could implement a "ball return system". All you would have to do is to make the ground slant at like a 30 degree angle downward towards the tee-off area, and sanction off areas so that the balls fall towards to correct players. If you miss, the balls just roll down the hill until they meet a gravity lift. That gravity lift then shoots the ball(s) back up to the players so they can just keep driving. It's just a suggestion, but I think it would be pretty cool and helpful.