THIS OLD ABANDONED MINING FACILITY HAS BEEN RE-PURPOSED FOR MILITARY DEFENSE... When I make a map it all starts with an idea. For this map, it was the fence. after I created that the story behind the map was created. The rest of the map just fell together like it was meant to be. This map was created mainly for one sided CTF. The weapons on the map are: DMR-4 GRENADE LAUNCHER-1 ROCKET LAUNCHER-1 SHOTGUN-1 SNIPER RIFLE-2 SPARTAN LASER-1 FRAG GRENADE-6 MACHINE GUN TURRET-1 GRAVITY HAMMER-1 One thing about this map you will notice is that the vehicles play no role other than aesthetics. I like how they give the map a realistic, full feel, without being an important part in the game-play. Also, you will notice that the placement of the map is in a somewhat odd place to forge. I try to find unique uses for blocks and unique places for maps that are also feasible for a professional map. I hope you enjoy my first of many asymmetrical maps. -Map Overview-
How can we enjoy something we can't see? It, like, doesn't make sense. Screenshots for the people who don't have them, and stuff! You also need to give a better description of the map. For example, you could list weapons, vehicles and other important things about your map. You have one hour to update this thread.
I really like the fence you made around your level! The multi-tiered structure in one of your pictures is really cool, it reminds me of the cliffs in Zelda Ocarina of Time. I recommend that you fix the thread, this is a really nice map from the pictures on your fileshare.
If you have pictures and would like to fix this thread, please visitor message me and I'll open this thread for you. LOCKED