Hi, it's funny, I've been here since January and still haven't made an intro. Most of the people who dominate off topic will know me, but people who don't, here is my introduction. I joined here in January, and my first post was in... maybe march. I used to be a lurker, but this site has deftinately changed that. I posted two maps, one which a person claims that I have stolen, but lets not go resurrect that thread. I am 12, turning thirteen in september, and have just got my capture card to work. I am very funny, and am on this website almost if not every day. I live in EST time, so right now its 9:30 in the AM, so I might not be on when other people are. When I grow up I want to be a cinematographer, or for short, a Director. So that basically was my introduction, and with that... kthxbai.
Hey, I can't say that I've seen you that much but I remember you by your Random Pidgeon Sig. Hope you become more active, and involve yourself more with the community. Be hated, be loved. Don't lurk. Lol... If you need any help, you know how to find me. The IRC's helpful too, although people aren't always active there. So, have yourself, a fairly late welcome, from me.