embed the pic plz... though i looked at it and its cool. Howd you get that shine? Orange Armor and just lucky sunlight? Either way its pretty cool.
Put this link in between two [img ][ /img] tags (without the spaces) http://i25.tinypic.com/1r3pd3.jpg Also that looks bamf, how did you do it? For people who go through threads looking for something wrong with it just to post the same thing 12 other people posted to get your post count up:
not to be mean but this glitch is OLD. i guess its ok though. and you NEED pics or this thread will go down the toilet literally lol
just save the pic onto your computer by rightclicking it then upload it to http://photobucket.com/ and use the image code to the link here.
make a photobucket profile, then go to my albums and upload pic to it, then copy and pate the image code and put it in ur post. its pretty hard to understand. but you will eventually get how to post pics oh yeah and you need to save the picture from ur b.net profile.. take pictures from your map in theater mode and it will eventually be on bungie
Just listen to faceplanter, he's got everthing right. I'll send a in-depth PM embedding tut to you just for clarification.
I am new to all this pic stuff can you plz tell me what you are talking about, I know about the photo buckey but what is embed it mean?
That's pretty sweet! Never heard of that glitch to be honest. Floodgate is definetely good for taking pics though, that's for sure