Debate God

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nitrous, Dec 17, 2008.

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  1. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    Meh. My Bible says 7 days. I'm not one who likes to assume things that aren't said. It says 7 days; so, I understand that it took him 7 freaking days. I'm disappointed, as I never foresaw myself having to explain something so simple.
  2. Yevah

    Yevah Ancient
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    ok i cant even stand here and listen to you guys debate if god is real or not. Years ago the world was full of religion now only a small percent of teens have god in there lives. I cant believe that its came down to this. I mean theres like know religion anymore. I cant beleive this debate.
  3. idiotninja

    idiotninja Ancient
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    Holy crap Nitrous. That post is insane, you even provided sources. Good job on more or less blowing away his points. Two questions though, how much of that wan from memory and is your name really Colt Nitrous? (If it is...god damn!) Reminded me of this.

  4. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    A lot was from memory. If I was being strict about it I would have provided sources for every claim but I'm not doing this for any sort of academia so I didn't want to spend the time.

    My name isn't colt nitrous. That's just squid being squid. My name is Colton.
  5. nickjones

    nickjones Ancient
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    1. Explain why, when racism is clearly wrong, Jesus was clearly a racist (see Mark 7:25-29).

    please enlighten me on how that makes Jesus a racist?

    and the problem with discussing this online because people typically never change they're mind. i could give the most excellent response to you atheist, but you wouldn't give a crap. i wont say if i'm a theist of atheist. but judge some one on their actions not their worldview or beliefs. I mean at least admit most of you guys are arrogant as hell. all western empirical people, who think they are the most intelligent beings. I admit im arrogant, but at least i can admit it.
  6. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Unfortunately the Bible does not say that the Universe or more specifically the Earth was created in 7 days. This is just another misunderstanding from translations that causes Christians to look uninformed. In the original Hebrew text the word "yom" was used in accordance to the Genesis scriptures and the story of creation. "Yom" means period or passage of time and most certainly does not mean 24 hour period.

    Along with other things people have been misunderstanding and taking altered translations for hard facts when in fact the message has become more metaphorical with each translation. Listen up people, instead of spending so much time trying to argue if and how the Bible conflicts with solid science how about tracing it back to the first written forms and their more literal meanings rather than being guided in an offtrack direction?
  7. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    I'm not trying to debate theology. I'm trying to debate the philosophy of god.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    It took the Christian God to create Earth in 7 days. How about the rest of the universe/s?
  9. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    No one here is arrogant; we're just debating. No one is being judged; no one is saying "you're an idiot, you theist! stop believing in God!". That is arrogance. All the posts by people who frequent this forum are just good old debate posts. It's just facts and logic trying to justify one side or the other. It's good that you can admit your arrogance, because that was somewhat arrogant to just step in here and assume we are "arrogant as hell".

    Also, atheists would "give a crap" because you have to listen to the opposition's arguments if you want to debate. I, for one, like hearing other people's opinions.
  10. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    I regret to inform you that if you had read my post oh lets say about 2 or 3 above you would know in fact that it does not say 7 days. Yet again, original word was "yom", or passage or period of time.So in no way shape or form can't you dispute the original text compared to modern day translations. Wrong, just this is so distorted. *Shakes head*
  11. domomd367

    domomd367 Ancient
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    I see. So God exists and is there, because he just 'is?'
    That just about sums up this whole argument, the belief in God is so illogical, that you say he 'just' happened because that is all you can think of, it seems.
    Just because we don't know, doesn't mean we should be so manipulated as to believe in a supernatural being. Do you still believe in santa claus, and the monsters in the cupboard?
    I thought not, because people USAULLY grow out of silly stories like this. Time to take your mental growth that one step further....
  12. RampaginFetus

    RampaginFetus Ancient
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    Wow, I have a gut feeling you're calling me stupid. Well, you misspelled usually and tend to simply bombard people in a series of words you find intelligent sounding. Now lets say I believe in evolution. To believe in evolution means I think the first organism just happened, and then another one just "happened". Yes, I believe god just happened, but I am simply disarming you on this one.
  13. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Well I mean you are an Aggie so..............yeah about being stupid......

    Just kidding of course. (Not really)
  14. RampaginFetus

    RampaginFetus Ancient
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    Proof we're not stupid-
    A Florida State student, a Kansas State student, and an Aggie had all
    committed horrendous crimes and were going to be shot. The FSU guy was brought up and blindfolded. The general shouted, "Ready ....... aim..." and the FSU guy yelled, "Hurricane!!," everybody ducked, and he ran away free.
    Dismayed at losing their first prisoner, the guards brought up the KSU student with renewed vengeance. They blindfolded him and the general commanded, "Ready......aim....." and the KSU guy shouted, "Tornado!!" and fearing for their lives, everybody ducked, and he ran away free.
    Well, the Aggie has been watching all this and starts thinking, "They all yelled natural disasters and they got away, so I will too." So they brought him up and blinded folded him, the general shouted, "Ready ...... aim...." and the Aggie screamed, "Fire!!"

    How many Aggies did it take to unscrew a light bulb?
    1,001. One to hold the bulb and 1,000 to turn the house

    I have more but these are the ones that prove were so smrt, I mean smart.
  15. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Why does no one ever respond to me? My mega post and my flood debunking post are ignored while the small stuff is gobbled up. You will sit there all day and say, "Woo!, evolution is a religion and is stupid and a conspiracy by scientists to kill jesus" and as soon as I respond to your every bullshit claim to try and espouse your ignorance you ignore it with even more arrogance and resolve.
  16. skaterdude770

    skaterdude770 Ancient
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    Just the thought of basing your life on something you think is real sickens me.
    God is real because the bible says so. BULL CRAP

    Waste of time.
  17. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    I mean like everytime a Christian and an atheist were to debate about God, the atheist always seems to win and the Christian seems to turn atheist.

    Christians have faith, which is undebateable.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    People are still explaining the unknown with God/s. WHY? Can someone give me a reason?
  19. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    So you're basically saying, "I won't debate you because I don't want to realize the error in my thinking." According to your bible you should be converting me and discussing your god with me often. Have some backbone. In the world outside living with mom and dad your beliefs will be challenged. If you are not prepared to defend them you may make foolish or rash decisions.

    If your faith is unshakable then what of other religion's faiths? Are you to condemn them to hell for your lack of a spine?
  20. TXGhost

    TXGhost Ancient
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    You are forgetting about the option where the losing debater walks away.
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