Debate God

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nitrous, Dec 17, 2008.

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  1. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    4) And...

    5) Don't try leading me into one of your games, nitrous. I know what you're trying to do. You should already know the answer to that question. I don't do these kinds of debates.
  2. Sarge525

    Sarge525 Ancient
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    The one thing I always say in prooving the existence of anything: "All reality is based on perception, and all perception is bias."

    That is all because FH keeps signing me out... :(
  3. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Debates where I lead you to an answer instead of provide it directly for you, therefore giving you a greater grasp of whatever knowledge I wanted to impart on you? Ok.

    Firstly, excellent quote. It is a simplification of my beliefs of the existence of god and reality. *thumbs up*

    Try clicking the remember me tab and allowing your browser to remember your password. If this doesn't work go to your cookies and play around with them until they are less restricted.
  4. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    Why on the edge of some galaxy?

    Perfection: the condition, state, or quality of being free or as free as possible from all flaws or defects
    .... hm
  5. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    The argument of perfection is one that proves no point. I'll say this a last time: We've never seen God, we can't characterize him. Though we all have our mixed opinions. The argument of perfection is also a tough one to debate.
    The Bible states God is perfect. "God can't create an imperfection..." blah blah blah.

    With respect to some of the presuppositions of the question they are not quite correct since everything that God created was originally stated to be 'very good'. Thus the tree in the midst of the garden was indeed very good, as would have been the serpent originally. The serpent was somehow a personification of Satan, or else inhabited by him, for the purpose of getting mankind to join in his rebellion, which occurred sometime after his creation.

    The fact that man fell by heeding the lies of the serpent is not God's fault but mans. God did not force man to sin, but gave him a free will so that he would serve God as a real person and not a robot. Man chose to and the sad fact is that we would all have done the same if in the same position, just as people deliberately choose today to be in rebellion against their maker.

    Thus man was not 'set-up' but chose to ignore God's clear command and exercise his free choice against his maker, who evidently considered free will an important aspect of the perfection of man. Since God is Himself a totally 'free agent' in the sense that He decides things for Himself, according to His nature. Man similarly, has the ability to make decisions and not just be ruled by instinct, although of course man is not a spirit and also is fallible.

    According to the Bible and contrary to Mormon theology the fall into sin was firstly not necessary for them to 'become human.' They each were fully human from the moment they were created by God. It is quite contrary to Christian theology to suggest that the fall was either good or necessary. It was neither. If it was good then there would have been no need for Jesus to come as the redeemer from sin.
    In addition, Adam and Eve did not have a pre-existent state before they were created by God in Eden. This also is not Christian or Biblical but Mormon theology. Thus, the fall was definitely not part of God's purpose to redeem man or perfect him, whereas the sending of Jesus Christ was.
  6. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    God is behind you!

    If we can't exactly define 'perfection' in a physical sense, how then can we define an inperfection? Perhaps if we understood God then we might understand everything is perfect.
    #1126 Matty, Apr 18, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2009
  7. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    The serpent =/= Satan or a personification of Satan. You can go back to the original Hebrew and read this. Stop supplanting personal opinions as orthodoxy. That's what the catholic church did and now we have the trinity and a hodge podge of theology.

    I doubt you read my post on Adam and Eve, if so go read it. If you did read it then you weren't paying attention. Read it again.
  8. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    Inperfection is clearly physical. Though we can define perfection, we have never seen anything that is, therefore our definition may be flawed.

    It'd be nice if you could just quote yourself, because you've posted a lot of things.
    #1128 aMoeba, Apr 18, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2009
  9. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Na your wrong,
  10. Mr Garfunkle

    Mr Garfunkle Ancient
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    My faith comes from the start of the universe. In order for the big bang to happen, there had to be some kind of matter to start with. Matter wasn't JUST THERE, something had to make it, and in that way I believe there is some higher power. Of course then you have the question, where did God come from?
  11. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    This video should entertain you.
  12. Sarge525

    Sarge525 Ancient
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    What??? This in no way says God exists, only that if he does, by a logical standpoint he can't be perfect (the common consensus of the meaning of perfection however is indecisive). It in no way says God exists, just that imperfections can not be spawned by a source of perfection.

    Learn to understand what you read, not just pass the words in one ear and out the other.
    BTW - To give an example to the "imperfection coming from perfection" argument: If you had a machine that manufactured parts, and it was perfect, that would have to imply that all the parts made were perfect. (And to cite scripture, take the case of Lucifer, if this was God's favorite angel, then why/how did he become satan?).

    This all being under the assumption that the bible is true, and that God exists; even though they may not.
    #1132 Sarge525, Apr 18, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2009
  13. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    We know how to get to Heaven, but not what's there. Odd.

    He can speak about God, or anything unknown, existing hypothetically.

    To counter Nitrous:
    Imperfection means without flaws, but that's not always positive. If you were to stand in the middle of a busy highway, you could say you're in the perfect place to be killed. So God could "perfectly" create us with flaws so that he has people under him, or whatever purpose he wanted. You might say, "Idiot! I said he can't make imperfections!"... but the perfect God might have to. If it's part of his plan, why can't he do it?
    #1133 EonsAgo, Apr 18, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2009
  14. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    Don't give me these? Have you really bothered looking for an answer to your questions? The Bible CLEARLY tells us we can get to heaven, and that heaven is the best place to be. What it doesn't tell us is everything thats there. What's so odd about that? We only know what we know.
  15. lefty0904

    lefty0904 Ancient
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    God didn't write the Bible. God didn't tell us that we can get to heaven. This is why this debate will never end. Religion is based entirely on faith. Most of the things religious people believe in can't be proved, and most things that humans theoretically have proved, religious people won't accept. I'm not even saying that you can't be right. Maybe you're right about all of this. But out of the 6000 religions in this world, you can't know that yours is the right one. The only time that we will know is after we die. So if you want to believe a theory that you had no part in coming up with, I guess that's your decision. All I want you to do is consider the possibility that you aren't right about it.
  16. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    A user named Nitrous once said "Even if man wrote the Bible, it is still exactly what God wanted it to be". It does not matter if man wrote the Bible, God made it so man would write exactly what he wanted. Understand? God did tell us we can get to heaven, Jesus is God and if that is true then God told us we can get to heaven.

    Notice the word theory. A theory is much different from a fact. There is no proving of evolution no matter what. The only things we can prove are things we have perceived. Due to the fact we haven't perceived the creation of the universe in either regard there will always be a debate over it.

    I can't say i've given a fair shake at the other 5999 religions, but i've most certainly tried a few. You must also realize many of those are denominations or branches of the Christian belief. Many of them also teach the same morality structure. However the main difference is always the same: theology and such.

    Hm. You use the word die out of context in accordance to Christianity. When you say "die" to a christian you basically say "hell for eternity". However we won't begin debating such things. The main point I wanted to bring up is that not everybody is gone from the earth in the so called "7 years of tribulation."

    It is quite obvious people determine the probability of something before they stand up for it.
  17. lefty0904

    lefty0904 Ancient
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    I don't really know how to do the multi quote thing so I'll just talk about the things that I think are important.

    That's why I said theoretical. The things we use as "proof" could mean nothing to somebody else. I personally don't completely understand the evolution theory, but I still believe it happened. What's proof to me could mean absolutely nothing to you.

    And if you can prove to me that god wrote the bible, then I'll believe you. I just want to hear your version of why you think god used man to write the Bible. And that brings me back to the point of why he would need to use someone to write the Bible. But I don't really think either of us would get anywhere if we got in that argument again so you can just disregard that.

    And I've begun to interpret "dying" in a different way. I believe that we are just going to move on to something else when we die. Not a heaven or hell, just something else. I have no idea what that something else is though.

    So basically you saw someone else's beliefs and thought, "Oh that sounds like its right." You didn't come up with your own beliefs at all. That just doesn't make sense to me.

    But most religions say that if you believe in the wrong god you go to hell right? So you have 5999 religions that are wrong. Those aren't very good chances.

    And I just want to know exactly how you came to the conclusion that christianity is the absolute right religion.
  18. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    I have a question for all the people in this thread that believe in evolution. As a christian, I believe that everything was created by God. And God was not created by anything he has always existed and I believe that beyond life time doesn't exist.

    So, as I was saying before I have a question about evolution. I know how everything like evolved and the universe was created by gas and dust. Where did that come from, and the answer to it, where did the answer come from? Where did that come from? You get my point?
  19. lefty0904

    lefty0904 Ancient
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    And I have a question for you. I personally don't believe this but what if god was the one that created evolution? And the way he created the universe was through the use of gas and dust? I don't understand why Christians haven't came up with that theory before. Think about it. It's like a compromise.
  20. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Why would God go through all that, if he could just say, "Let there be light? That what doesn't make sense to me. He didn't create evolution because it is pointless. If he wants something to happen why would he do that?
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