Debate God

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nitrous, Dec 17, 2008.

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  1. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    Like I said earlier, God gives us a free choice to accept Him or not. He's not going to butt into our lives and make us bow down. And who's to say the volcano isn't intelligently designed? And the development of a species and the spewing of a volcano are two almost completely different things. If we know exactly how evolution formed everything, how do we have missing links? "Because they're not discovered yet" then we haven't really found how evolution has worked to shape the species we see today.

    @Lefty: If you're going to state something that is against most Christian's common belief and perspective of God, at least give me the reference. You also must realize not all things in the Bible were written for us in this time. Which is why I like to say the most of the OT should be treated as history, eg Israel's/Egypt's failure to obey God, if history teaches us not to repeat previous mistakes, that means not to make the mistakes that Israel/Egypt might have done.
    #841 aMoeba, Apr 9, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2009
  2. lefty0904

    lefty0904 Ancient
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    Can you just explain to me why we should have to make that choice?
  3. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    If you've been reading what i've been saying, I clearly stated multiple times that its our free will, God is not making us do it, its your choice, your ultimate decision.
  4. lefty0904

    lefty0904 Ancient
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    and you're not answering my question. i want you to directly give me a reason why we should have to choose whether or not we believe in him. How does that benefit him? and you never answered to the selfish and jealous comment. if you read the bible you'll come across things saying both of those many times. I dont remember the exact part but im sure i could find it. and yea none of the stuff written in the bible was written for this time period. So why do people still follow it completely?
    #844 lefty0904, Apr 9, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2009
  5. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    There is no reason we should, but would you rather go to hell, or live eternally in a perfect world? Would you live for the one who created everything, or live for the thing which passes away and doesn't have a good eternal reward. You honestly want to spend an eternity in hell just because you're too ignorant to accept Christianity? God loves us. All the benefit for Him. Don't you like being with people you love? Yes, I did answer that comment. I have read most of the Bible, I read it everyday, and I study it almost everyday. Now if you're going to make claims like that please provide me with the verse.
  6. lefty0904

    lefty0904 Ancient
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    Give me a reason that god would want us to make that choice. Thats all i want you to do. What if Muslims are right about their version of god? what if all christians have it wrong? what if the buddhists are right? there are so many religions and you have no way of knowing if yours is right. And ok ill find you the exact verse
  7. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    Next time, be more specific when you say "that choice". There's a lot of choices. God loves us. He wants us to be with Him. Therefore, God tries to save us. We refuse because of our ignorance, and we're not saved. We aren't condemned to hell, we just go there because we did not accept the opportunity to get God.
  8. lefty0904

    lefty0904 Ancient
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    Why do you keep avoiding the question? You know exactly what im talking about. Why should we have to make the choice to believe that god exists or not. You cant answer the question, because there isn't an answer to the question. Thats the main problem i have. And you didnt respond to the statement about knowing if your religion is right. So many christians do this. I'm not saying thats bad, and I'm not saying that I have a problem with christians. But seriously if you dont have an answer to the question then say so. Don't try to work around it by saying ill go to hell.
  9. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    Face.. to.. palm...

    That IS the answer to the question. Now open your mind. I will refuse to debate with you until you can fully comprehend what I'm saying.

    Do I honestly have to respond to all your statements? I'm not required to, give me a break.
  10. lefty0904

    lefty0904 Ancient
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    you can't just refuse to answer a question because you dont have an answer. thats not how a debate works. what im trying to point out is that there is no rationality behind that choice. And you think I should open MY mind? You're so focused on being right that you won't even consider what other people are saying. And i do comprehend what you're saying. I used to be a complete christian. So I completely comprehend what you're saying, because i had the exact same mindset as you.
  11. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    I honestly hope you're kidding. Its not that I think you're stupid, but i'm almost laughing right now. I answered your question, and there is plenty of rationality, I even stated it.

    Answer - We have free will - our choice, Heaven as an incentive

    Rationality - not going to hell, not good enough for you?
  12. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    He is asking why God would inflict that choice on us. How does it benefit him to make it possible for us to choose wrongly. WHY would a God that wants us to believe in him and practice his religion make it possible to choose incorrectly?
  13. Sheogorath

    Sheogorath Ancient
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    I think what he means in his inquiry is why does the factor of whether or not you believe in god act as the sole constitution of your place in the afterlife? Why does an omniscient god require any help on your part to rescue the everlasting soul chained by the carbon shell that is your body? How can a world be perfect with nothing to compare it too? Exactly why beyond theological reasons do you go to "Hell" apon your lifes termination? Is more what I think he's getting at. I will admit right now, I can't read more then three pages of a bible without bursting out laughing and dropping the text. If you could please answer I am sure it would greatly help your argument.
  14. lefty0904

    lefty0904 Ancient
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    see it looks like other people get it. Im pretty sure that you knew what i meant. there is no rationality for us to have to make that choice. So you dont think there is even a slight possibility that you chose the wrong religion? and if you dont then why are you so sure?
  15. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    These I have also answered, but indirectly. God doesn't inflict that choice, its indirect. Its just a choice you can make, like everything else. It benefits Him when we do accept that choice, because He loves us and wants to be with us. Of course it doesn't benefit Him if we don't obey Him. He didn't make it possible to choose incorrectly.

    Oh, and sorry, because I honestly didn't understand what you were talking about.
  16. Sheogorath

    Sheogorath Ancient
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    Ok, to make this a lot shorter then it will be otherwise (The argument here, I mean) What is the answer to the bottom line why. Why does this supposed god love us? Why is it that he can't be with sin, yet the jurisdiction of what exemplifies sin is utterly his opinion? Why exactly can't he save your soul without the assistance of yourself when everything is supposedly playing out according to "his plan"? What IS "his plan"? If people disobey him does that not mean his exact plan is in requirement of amendment? And thus not entirely "his plan" but a plan compromised of things that happened to work out? (Actually, I recall a story that answers that question partially, but id still like an answer to that last part.) We want the details of exactly how this process works in practice. (actually delete the "we" and replace it with an "I")
    #856 Sheogorath, Apr 9, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2009
  17. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    Do you honestly expect me to know exactly why God feels for us? My best guess it that God wanted company so he created the universe, and loves us because He can. An opinion can change. The definition of sin cannot. If I knew what His plan was, this would be answerable. But who's to say His plan is what we think it is? How would we know if it needs amendment. And again, I answer these questions by saying that no one knows what God's plans are. It states in the Bible that no man knows when the second coming of Christ will occur.
  18. lefty0904

    lefty0904 Ancient
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    If he's omniscient, he doesn't need company. and we don't provide him any company because we never interact with him.

    And could you please just answer my question about knowing if you picked the right religion? You obviously feel like you did because you've stuck with it. I just want to know why.
    #858 lefty0904, Apr 9, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2009
  19. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    I already said, I don't know His plan. It was a guess. No need to debate me because of a claim I just randomly made up. How do you know we don't interact with Him? Just because you haven't yourself? Please.

    Religion: I've looked through other religions, and none of them make as much sense to me. Not because I don't understand them, but because they don't piece together.
  20. lefty0904

    lefty0904 Ancient
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    Do you feel like you have interacted with him? and thank you for answering that. I have another question though...if you were born in a family that were all budhists do you think you would have switched to christianity?
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