Debate God

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nitrous, Dec 17, 2008.

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  1. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    New Thread

    Dude, if you want to debate the existence of William Shakespeare go start a new thread, otherwise please get back on topic.

    Edit: Is this when you come in with your big "gotcha" moment and tell us that none of those portraits were completed until after his death. We have other evidence that you ignored in an earlier post. The evidence is not large in quantity, but the point is realizing that there are varying levels of certainty about anything you want to believe, and the thing that should separate the levels is evidence.
  2. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    Why would we have to prove God doesn't exist? Atheists did not make God up, so what reason do we have to believe he is there? I mean, say I make up a monster called Tommy. I have to prove to you that Tommy exists, since you think I made him up. How would I prove he doesn't exist? The only proof you need from me to show Tommy isn't real is for me to say, "Well, I'm not sure... but it's possible."

    Yeah well, lots of things are possible. There could possibly be a pickle floating in space. There could be a Bigfoot. There could be a piece of cheese in my nose. BUT IF THERE IS NO PROOF... then you have nothing.

    The point really, is not "Does he exist?" but "Why do you believe for sure that there is a God?"
  3. haruki jitsunin

    haruki jitsunin Ancient
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    You know, they call it a "god of all gaps" for a reason. Halo says "tank beats everything," I say "omnipotence beats anything." It doesn't need to follow logic and by saying "it has to follow logic," is stupid. Why? Because omnipotence doesn't have to follow logic it is, innately, illogical.

    I'm trying to point out how pointless it is to debate the existence of god. Especially an omnipotent one.

    And I said that you have to provide evidence to the contrary of a god because that's how debates work. Popularly, yes, you can make it your point to prove only your opponent wrong, but you're not proving yourself right. Evidence is required on both sides of a debate.
  4. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    If they can't even prove God, how can I prove the negative of what isn't there?
  5. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    Thanks for reading and understanding my points that says evidence that is not written proves he exists... AS for a new forum about Shakespeare... I DON"T Care... I care about Jesus and God and there debated existence....

    I feel if your to ignoring of the fact of why i bring up a point and its nal and void ... shows this debate useless SO GTFO unless you have something to say...

    and For Atheist have to prove God Doesn't exist... its as simple to say to a Christian ... You see that god you know and love... Doesn't exist ... Thou yous see him... I say he doesn't exist.... SEE why you can't win on this point?....

    So Tommy or Monster you made up...its so wonderful but its different if you know something as real and not.

    IN actual truth is easier for something to be true and exist because of the ideal... Benefit of the doubt. NOT suggesting faith on logic here of safety but because My point of view should have some thing because even in the science point of view... something is possible till its proven not real...

    Simply put God exists till certain with out a doubt he isn't...

    So Tommy in some level exists till you know for sure...same as quantum Theory. ON ... off... Maybe...

    I just feel you should just listen to your point as a atheist... we are debating from a point of view of positive and Negative. and left with a maybe...

    I feel the cat is alive here and simply its alive till I smell the dead cat in the box. And when you here the cat cry for food in the box... I can't wait to see the look on your face.

    I actually found a love of math for one reason ... The term Outliers is actually defeats logic but happened all to often. Tank Beats everything... except ...another tank for this case... lol.
  6. haruki jitsunin

    haruki jitsunin Ancient
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    See, that's the thing, you're the one making the claim against their belief system. They innately believe there's a god based on the bible, or lack of wanting to believe solely in the big bang as for biogenesis, or whatever. If you're trying to convince them of something, you need to provide the evidence. It's called a burden of proof. If not, then I am going to again, point out the pointlessness and impossibility of trying to disprove an omnipotent being.
  7. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    I'm not saying he doesn't exist definitely. What you are saying though is that God definitely exists. I just want to know what makes you so sure that the Bible is all true and God is definitely real.

    Haruki: Your argument works both ways. It's impossible to prove if he does or doesn't exist. I am saying he could. Theists are saying he must exist.
  8. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    ..I know god exist that is the difference...
  9. Tectonix

    Tectonix Ancient
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    I know but you don't have to say it for me
  10. haruki jitsunin

    haruki jitsunin Ancient
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    I know, which is why god is best debated in philosopical terms because a logical debate about god gets people nowhere.
  11. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    This is just faulty logic. Here is what your logic insinuates:

    In the "science point of view"(as if science an opinion) "something is possible until proven not real"

    Your next "sentence"(used lightly) should read:

    The possibility of God's existence should remain until proven without a doubt.

    instead of "Simply put God exists till certain with out a doubt he isn't..."
    The burden of proof is clearly on the people claiming to have a relationship with an unseen, omnipotent being and claiming to know what happens to us after we die. Believers are the ones trying to prove a far fetched case with no evidence in the positive. That being said, of course it can not be proven without a doubt that no omnipotent being exists, and that is not what the agnostics on this board are trying to do. We don't have to prove that god doesn't exist nor do we want to. We simply state the honest fact that Christians may be afraid to: I don't know. I don't know why the universe started. I don't know what will happen to me after I die. I don't know why I am here. I can only prescribe meaning as I see fit after taking a look at the things we have learned as a species by studying our universe.
  12. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    Dude I have made enough points you will never prove without out a doubt he dosen't exist... I know he exists but In the simple point ...WIth out doubt isn't possible for you.
  13. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    I now declare Bigfoot real, since no one can disprove him.
    I understand your faith is why you believe, but it still doesn't mean we have to prove the negative. As explained above.
  14. haruki jitsunin

    haruki jitsunin Ancient
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    I just loled at this, seriously...

    Okay, now let's get this straight... assuming you're agnostic, which is the position you seem to be taking by this post... now, you just said you know neither that he exists nor that he doesn't exist. You're now debating with people who claim he does exist not with the point that he doesn't exist, rather with the point you don't know? So, you're ambiguously trying to get people who believe there's a god to believe that there isn't a god? That doesn't seem very agnostic of you.

    I prefer to maintain that debating god on logical terms is impossible and pointless.
  15. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    My approach is purely scientific. I claim not to know until I have strong evidence to support something one way or the other. While I am not trying to sway Christians by saying I know god does not exist, I am able to point out the foolishness of blindly following something without any question.

    For someone claiming so many times that it is not possible to debate the existence of God, you sure have been posting in this thread a lot.
  16. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    What's so funny? His argument must be logical since you said we are debating with logic. Lol.

    Seriously though. We're not trying to prove he doesn't exist. We're just saying, "Sure, have fun with that idea." BUT... Why are theists vehemently tying to prove God exists?

    We are not trying to define God, just trying to see why some are so adamant that he exists.
  17. haruki jitsunin

    haruki jitsunin Ancient
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    Yeah, but not once have I made a claim towards the existence or lack of existence... I've just ambiguously tried to win over people to the third side of the argument "it's pointless and impossible to try to bound a boundless being with a logical argument."
  18. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    100 years ago... at kitty hawk NC... said you can't make humans fly... So ... I would believe in Bigfoot more likely then not... as well the buggy monster under my bed. I'm understanding there is a possiblity of being false ...but I would rather risk being nice to a bigfoot by not littering in his woods ..then litterer ...and find him face to face ...would leave me more of a deficet then not ever ruling it out possible. See even as a doctor... Its easier to prodict what you have buy taking a few thing off the list...but then they also try and disprove the worst cases first.... I think bigfoot cause is like a cold as apose to God.
  19. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    So one reason to believe in God is, "rather safe than sorry."
  20. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    Nice, Eons! It took a while to pull that out. Let's start a list.

    Reasons to believe in God:

    1. Better safe than sorry
    2. ?
    3. ?
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