Debate God

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nitrous, Dec 17, 2008.

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  1. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Really? I mean, I obviously don't know the details on this, but from what I understand as long as it doesn't border on abusive, you're free to make them go to whatever school you want as a parent.

    Interesting topic, but regardless, way off topic. Tisk tisk, Nitro ;)
  2. Prosper

    Prosper Ancient
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    The "longer version" of my avatar statement is jacked up... Regardless of the truth, how I and Christians believe determines the meaning of our statements:

    We believe he died FOR us, NOT because of us. He CHOSE to die FOR you. We're not pinning his death on anyone, he chose to sacrifice himself so YOU could live AFTER death. (Hell exists, if you think this statement contradicts Hell's existence, skip down below the dashes)

    Also... "'You better get to a church'" NO. CHURCHES ARE BUILDINGS. THEY ARE NOT GODS. There is NO NEED to go to a church to pray.
  3. P3P5I

    P3P5I Ancient
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    I could be misinterpreting, but I think that is exactly what Makisupa was talking about. The message you try to convey with that statement is "Repent because Jesus died for your sins," is it not?

    That seems like a disingenuous guilt trip to me. If I were a missionary for my religion, I would want to convert people out of faith, not guilt.
  4. Prosper

    Prosper Ancient
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    NO, it is not. It is NOT a command. It is saying "Hey, guess what? This really nice guy died so you can go to heaven."

    How is this guilt? I really am not understanding the thought process you are taking. Jesus CHOSE to sacrifice himself for you, it's not your fault, it's no one's fault besides his own. I don't understand how you are getting a guilt trick out of this, but dang, if my avatar confuses this many people, I'll change it.
  5. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    You didn't have to change it. I do like the new avatar better though, and I think it will serve you better if your goal is to get people interested in your religion.

    You seem slightly more credible now, somehow.
  6. Prosper

    Prosper Ancient
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    Well, starting with your criticisms of the story of the Great Flood...

    There is evidence (not proof; that's a different word) of the flood. A huge layer of soil, all over the world, that says "I was wet for a really long time!" Mostly though it's the fossils...

    One of the strongest pieces of evidence for a worldwide flood is the existence of what Rupke termed "polystrate fossils." Such fossils are found all over the world. They usually consist of fossil trees that were buried upright, and which often traverse multiple layers of strata such as sandstone, limestone, shale, and even coal beds. 1,2,3,4 They range in size from small rootlets to trees over 80 feet long. 3 Sometimes they are oblique in relation to the surrounding strata, but more often they are perpendicular to it. For example, at Joggins, Nova Scotia, polystrate tree (and root) fossils are found at various intervals throughout roughly 2,500 feet of strata. Many of these are from 10-20 feet long, 5,6 and, at least one was 40 feet long. 5,6,7 Very few of these upright fossil trees have attached roots, and only about 1 in 50 8 have both roots and rootlets attached. Such trees, and their -- more often than not -- missing roots, are discussed in much more detail in The "Fossil Forests" of Nova Scotia. 9 Likewise, many (if not most) of the large, fragmented, and broken-off Stigmaria roots are also missing their rootlets. 9

    Many of these roots and rootlets, are also buried individually. 9 This strongly suggests that these trees did not grow in the same places where they were buried, but rather were uprooted and re-deposited there. "

    They did built a ginormous ship, which isn't too hard to believe, considering they weren't pushing it into a lake or setting it out to sea; the water came up under them :viral:.

    Noah's family was not the only one on the boat, (or to repopulate the earth (that bed's springs are dead)) others who were faithful went with them. All the faithful (not many :[ ) were on the boat.

    "The Bible has been rewritten and re-translated numerous times, and the stories are simply ludicrous, in my opinion."

    You have to look at the whole claim. Sure, if i told you that this man named Jesus rose from the dead, that's ludicrous, if I told you God rose from the dead, not so much. Also, the translations aren't based off of other translations of the Bible. i. e. I want to make a new Bible translation. I'm not going to translate the King James Bible, I'd go to the original Hebrew and translate away. That argument is an assumption.

  7. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    What the hell is the point of arguing with someone who has an avatar such as yours? The whole exsistence of this entire ****ing thread is a gigantic circle jerk.

    This thread is pointless.
  8. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
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    Yup. I'd like to think of it more as "Go here to get pissed off" thread.
  9. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    Guilt is involuntary. If someone takes a bullet for someone, the fact that they 'voluntarily' did so doesn't take the edge off of that they died because of the survivor's presence. It is manipulative of human nature.
  10. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Congratulations! You are the 100th person to realize that.

    True to the bitter end, no side will ever win nor are we ever going to convert anyone on this thread.
  11. Prosper

    Prosper Ancient
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    What does my avatar have anything to do with my ability to debate?
  12. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    He's just saying that you're very set in your opinions. Which makes it nearly impossible to change your views.
  13. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Well his response shows that he's very set in his. Both of you guys should give up arguing over it. Just go out and enjoy an icecream cone together or something.
  14. Prosper

    Prosper Ancient
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    Hey, if someone can disprove God to me, I'll gladly go atheist, I just don't see that happening.

    Atheists say "If you can prove God to me, I'll gladly go theist, I just don't see that happening."

    So, we try to help others see our logic. Atheists present to us their logic for not believing and we present ours for believing.

    (Off topic) Isn't posting just to call the thread pointless spam?
  15. urban destroyer

    urban destroyer Ancient
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    you wanna know whats funny about religion.It has been proven through fossil records and what not,that evolution exsists but it has never been proven or any solid evidence for that matter that God exsists.God said that he created everything and thats what you are soppose to believe right?Well than tell me why if your a christian and ive asked my parish preist this that if you believe in God its ok to belive in evolution too???I am a christian and I do believe in God but I understand why people dont belive in him and it makes perfect sense to me.
  16. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    Please rephrase that statement.
    Also, sources for the proof? EDIT - Misunderstood, thought you meant religion has been proven through fossil records.
    Additionally, alot of people are aware evolution doesn't disprove religion.
    #3416 Dreaddraco2, Dec 5, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2009
  17. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    You cannot prove nonexistence. Atheists hold a logical viewpoint - something should not be believed in until you can be given proof that it exists.
    Religious people hold a completely irrational viewpoint - that you should believe in something until you can prove it does not exist.
    What if our court system worked like that? Guilty (he DID commit the crimes) until proven innocent? The world would fall apart.

    If you don't believe me, try to disprove the invisible pink unicorn. You won't be able to. Just like we can't disprove god.
  18. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Yeah both sides say the same thing but which side, in general, listens more than the other? I'd say the side that has to fear punishment would, on average, be less susceptible to new ideas and contrary opinions.

    I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Let's assume we are both equally reasonable people with two different beliefs. If you can respond to these two arguments fairly and I am unable to respond then I will become a theist, however, if you cannot resolve these two arguments will you grant me equal privilege?

    I guess we'll find out.

    "Is God willing to prevent evil but not able? Then is he impotent.

    Is God able but not willing? Then is He malevolent.

    Is God both able and willing? Whence then is evil?"

    You may recognize this as an Epicuran argument.

    As for my second argument, it will deal with biblical accuracy. How do you reconcile the following argument?

    1 Corinthians 13:4-7: Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in truth; bears all things, endures all things.

    We are left with a few basic concepts. Love is patient, kind, not provoked, not jealous, unbragging, not arrogant, and does not act unbecomingly etc.

    1 Corinthians 13:8: Love never fails.

    1 John 4:8: ...God is love.

    John makes the claim that God is in fact love. Therefore God must exude these biblical qualities.

    We can't go into all of the definitions of love, but since it is proclaimed God is love then he must fit all of the definitions.

    Love =/= Jealous

    Exodus 34:14: "(for you shall worship no other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God),

    He fails to meet Paul's first criterion for love.

    What he have thus far are as follows: God is love, Love is not jealous, God is a jealous god.

    Love =/= Provoked

    Deut 9:7: "Remember! Do not forget how you provoked the Lord your God to wrath in the wilderness From the day that you departed from the land of Egypt until you came to this place you have been rebellious against the Lord."

    Judges 2:12: "...They provoked the Lord to anger."

    Unfortunatley, God is provoked as cited in Deut 9:7 and Judges 2:12.

    Even God himself says he was provoked in 1 Kings 14:9.

    1 Kings 14:9: You have provoked me to anger and thus thrust me behind your back.

    God is love, Love is not provoked, God is provoked.


    So, is God love?
  19. oss1

    oss1 Ancient
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    imo i think that there is no god but since the main reason people believe in anything is based on both how they grow up and our instincts to explore and if anyone believes in anything there simply thinking that its a good explanation to there views because if someone were to have lots of tragedies in their childhood they would probably believe in some god. while if you had a good life and are really educated then you will start questioning a gods existence. while a person that had bad things happen to them then they wont try to find out what they could've done to stop it or if they have done any sins.
  20. urban destroyer

    urban destroyer Ancient
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    first:why do I need to rephrase?Im prety sure i made my claim as clear as possible

    Second:I dont need sources to prove that it has been proven that evolution exstist and that theres no proof that God doesnt unless you live underneath a ****ing rock somewhere.

    Third:evolution does disprove religion in some way.God announced that he was creater of man,nothing else and unless your a retard than you'd know that evolution clearlly contradicts that.
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