Ask a religious extremist why he kills. The answer: because of his religion. Every single violent act he commits is justified by nothing other than his interpretation of his religion. Hitler didn't kill because he was an atheist, he just happened to be one. There's no connection. And if you don't think that the average religious person is willing to destroy the liberties of others to honor their holy book, check our Prop. 8. It won solely because of the religious values that it played upon, and the massive commercial campaign (full of downright lies), funded by Christian organizations. No, I know the answer. Forget everything you have ever learned about religion or said in this debate. Let's put religion on equal ground, with anything else people ask me to believe. For every other thing I stand firmly behind I have evidence. My pants are blue. Proof? Well, I can look down and see them. There is absolutely no evidence of god. I have no reason to believe. There is a lively debate going on in this thread, yes, but that doesn't mean there isn't a right and a wrong answer.
I refuse to accept this, why? Because you view Christians as evil because of a few, I will do the same and not condone Atheism, they are all bad, evil people because of what Purexist said, you will only bring bad to the world because of what Purexist said, I will think of all of you as extremists who will kill every theist in the world, because of what Purexist said. If you get angry then you are all hypocrites because you keep blaming Religion for being evil because of what a few did.
Did you read my post above? 'A few' of the religious people in our world aren't doing bad things. A majority of them are. Again, think about Prop. 8 in California.
Hahaha. Kinda ties in with the current subject. This pastor from like, Bolivia or something tried to hijack a plane on it's way to Mexico City demanding to see the president or he would blow the plane up. Why? Because he thought since today was 9/9/09 that it was 666 upside down(day of the devil) and that there was going to be an earthquake in Mexico.
That made me think of this... Spoiler Comparing People to Hitler By: Isaac “Absent” Amirian Being a truly advanced white person means being able to speak with authority about pretty much any field of conversation- especially politics. In order for white people to streamline the process of knowing everything, all human beings can be neatly filed into one of two categories: People I Agree With, and People Who are Just Like Adolf Hitler. Comparing people to Hitler is an easy way for white people to get a strong point across to the less enlightened, or the insufficiently white. Everyone knows who Adolf Hitler was. And everyone knows that Hitler was very, very bad. Therefore, if a white person really, REALLY, doesn’t like something or someone, he or she may angrily say something to the effect of, “This is exactly the same kind of thing that Hitler used to do!” accompanied by varying levels of profanity based on blood-alcohol content. No matter what your gut reaction may be at that point, do not disagree with that white person. Otherwise, well, you love Hitler. This time-tested white-person maneuver may seem so awesomely useful to you that you are tempted to go out and try it right now. Not so fast. White people have spent the last 30 years perfecting this technique. There are cultural guidelines. It’s also critical that you avoid the fatal mistake of getting creative and comparing people you don’t like to other evil dictators, such as Joseph Stalin or Fidel Castro. With few exceptions, white people are actually fond of almost any dictator not named Hitler, and your remark that “this is just like something Mao Zedong would do” will be met with blank stares and possible social alienation. This is because, with the exception of Hitler, oppressive dictators share a passion for many of the things white people love- such as universal health care, conspiracy theories, caring about poor people while being filthy rich, and cool hats. Stick to the script and compare things you don’t like to Hitler, and Hitler alone. Now, like most reasonable people, you might find this strategy distasteful, and even a bit disrespectful, since after all, Hitler was responsible for the deaths of tens of millions, and probably doesn’t have that much in common with Pat Robertson, in perspective. If you prefer to avoid hearing or using the Hitler technique, we recommend you speak in soothing, affirming tones around angry white people to prevent the phenomenon from manifesting, and change the subject tactfully. To something that doesn’t involve George W. Bush. Here And then this(only about the first half relates). YouTube - CNN Panel on Hitler and Obama's Health Care Reform may I ask, on what planet do you spend most of your time, Erico? o really that's a bad thing? or Is it just your opinion that it is a bad thing? Because according to the principles of democracy it is a good thing since a majority voted for it.
Explain to me how removing right from groups of people based on nothing but their personal preferences is something to be proud of. I mean, it's no different than passing a law that black people can't marry. If a bill like that were proposed of course it would be shot down faster than you could read the title; because it's racist. But when bible-driven homophobia comes into question the majority of our population would agree with stripping the rights of the minority to indulge the biases of the majority. I lol'd
Well when has an atheist killed a theist for the difference in beliefs ? Its usualy the other way around in almost all historical stories I remember . We don't beleive but we don't kill or even really attck most of the time we use pacifist methods so we don't kill any one or anything lol.I guess we kill things like religious thought but I haven't heard of many physical acts of violence. Mostly we just don't believe and once religion is not really believed we will just move on we wont make giant movements or riot or anything because people believe in something we don't. Honestly we just don't care that much what people use to stupify them selves we only care when it finds its way to hurt the population and puts fear of something when there are more important issues to deal with. People fighting over what religion is "right" is getting the world no where.
Well marriage is a religious institution and by congress limiting it to straight persons it is inhibiting religious freedom and therefore against the constitution. ================================ Hitler was not an atheist. "The national government will regard it as its first and foremost duty to revive in the nation the spirit of unity and cooperation. It will preserve and defend those basic principles on which our nation has been built. It regards Christianity as the foundation of our morality, and the family as the basis of national life." ('My New Order', Adolf Hitler, February 1, 1933). Shut up.
This is why the Federalists didn't want to list your rights out on the constitution. It would lead to people saying, "well it's not in the constitution so..." which raises another point. There isn't any legitimate argument to deny a group of people rights that is guaranteed to other groups of people. That is discrimination plain and simple.
dang I've never seen it as that simple of an issue. Thank you. Erico's quotes are more relevant to Hitler's evil actions as they are shortly after the war began and yours is 6 years prior. And to whoever put God is black because he hates Jews as a tag, you're a dumbass. The Jews are his chosen people, he loves them.
Is it just me or is this "debate" basically atheists that don't really know what their talking about agreeing with atheists that kind of know what their talking about, with the occasional somewhat knowledgeable atheist thrown in here and there *cough*Nitrous. Then we have the unknowledgeable Christians, who claim "the world could have come from SOMEWHERE?! :OOOO". And the very rare somewhat knowledgeable Christian. Honestly, I don't really see the point of this debate anymore. In most people here's minds, there's only a black and white option here, and it's pretty much just an agreement of atheists blasting Christianity. Now, I don't know much about Christianity, but most of what's being discussed really doesn't relate to God whatsoever. If you're trying to relate God to religion, you should be discussing various religions, and also include where their viewpoints originally came from. This is all discussion of modern Christianity, which...doesn't make any sense to me, either, but that's besides the point. I tried to influence some different stuff before with a post with my personal beliefs that I think got buried at some point...:/
I think you're confusing motives. I'm an Athiest because there is no proof that any gods exist. It has nothing to do with me thinking Thiests are "bad, evil people". Although I do think the world would be a much more peaceful place without religion. The problem is, the majority (if not all) the Theists on this thread are Christian. If I made an incredibly detailed post on how Norse mythology is all just metaphors and fiction, no pagan who believes in Norse mythology is going to respond with a post titled "Why there almost certainly IS a Thor". Thus the debate must be predominately against the Christian idea of a god. As for the Atheists "blasting" Christianity, you can't really help the fact that most people posting are Atheists, or that Atheists have evidence on their side, and will only be persuaded BY evidence. If there was another thread in the debate section that was open ended enough to last for a while, that was responded to frequently and I actually had an interested in then I wouldn't care, but as it stand this is the best thread in the debate section.
Not quite. The discussion isn't really about Christian ideas of a god, but the popular understanding of it. Again, I don't know anything about Christianity, but like I mentioned before, my personal beliefs are way off of the normal Judaic beliefs (though I appreciate tradition, so I do everything), and I assume Christianity has that amount of depth as well. More or less, everything in this thread has been literal translations that you have been told or read. And's definitely "blasting". Just read back however long you want and you'll see it if you're not closeminded like pretty much everyone in the thread. "God can't POSSIBLY exist...there's no evidence :OOOO" verses "The world must have come from SOMEWHERE...:OOOOO". It's just stupidity back and forth, each side is as closeminded and stubborn as the other. Also, atheists have just as much understanding of God as theists...nothing. We don't know, but you're, again, assuming God is a "being" that sits above you in "heaven" and watches everything you're doing. It's just basically what people have been told verses what other people have been told. And atheists do not have scientific evidence of the nonexistence of a God. You're assuming like I said above...
If Theists are wrong about their gods, what the hell are you pitching? Are you saying that god is unprovable and his lack of existence is unprovable? Or is it that you don't believe in organised religion, but believe spiritually in a god? As far as I can tell it's one of the two, but it's easy to tell that you don't believe in a personal god by your "man in the clouds" statement. I was referring more towards logical paradoxes and evidence that supports the theory that we (humans) could have arisen without god, as well as the natural holes and inconsistencies that plague the bible. Evolution is scientific evidence for atheism: it's not conclusive proof, but it proves we weren't "created" like stated in the bible. It may not be finite proof of god's non-existence but it is proof FOR atheism, and if you add all of this evidence together, logically, there is no god.
I'm not pitching either side at the moment. I'm saying how this debate thread is really just back and forth. My opinion got buried a while ago. You assume that that is to be taken literally, again. By now I'm 100% sure I have a much better grasp of what the Bible is saying, and I can pretty much understand every side of it. As I've mentioned before, I've translated the Bible from it's original Hebrew, and the way I see it, all the way up to Abraham and including many events are mainly metaphorical. It seems crudely done when you look at it in English, but in Hebrew it's pretty brilliantly layed out. Evolution doesn't go against the Bible whatsoever.