Debate God

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nitrous, Dec 17, 2008.

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  1. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Your post hasn't been answered because IT'S TOO LONG!
    Sum it up, if you can.
  2. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    This whole post reminded me of this video.....and all the healing it shows. ;]
    Please watch it to the end and tell me how this saves or helps the modern day person.

    YouTube - The Christianity Cult (more crazy Christians)
    #2602 Eyeless Sid, Aug 23, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2009
  3. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    Lol nah...

    and heres the link to the quote of the original post:

    #2603 Pigglez, Aug 23, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2009
  4. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
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    Nothing is too long to read Cute Bear/Fox Hybrid Thing. Unless its Dream Theater of Coarse


    That makes no sense what so ever.
    Saying crap so he doesn't look bad? Really?
    It makes perfect sense. Atheists understand that this life is the only one we have, and we aren't going to under appreciate it by thinking of it as unimportant because we have a supposed better one after this one. We as Christians will have a better Life when the time comes

    While it is a very nice comfort, to believe in an afterlife, the truth, and comfort, aren't exactly the same always. With Christianity, It is comforting to know you have not even scratched the surface of a good life

    Enjoying this life as much as you can, can let you be happy when you die because you know you did all you could in your finite life, and those finite acts aren't going to be unfairly rewarded by infinite consequences, whether it be heaven or hell, both are giving eternal rewards for temporary things. The Bible says Those who do good deeds in they're time on Earth will receive crowns that will last eternity unlike the ones of Earth which can be burned and melted

    If you give a child a grenade and see if he pulls the pin, KNOWING he will pull the pin (because the unfair thing in life is that God ALREADY knows exactly how each person's life will play out, giving you no chance to change that. If you could change it, God would know, and if he didn't, he wouldn't be omniscient) you can't punish the child for that act with eternal torture. That's horrible. Or if your son kills a man, will you set up a torture chamber in your basement where you will keep him in forever?

    He sinned. He is Guilty. Therefore, He is Punishable. And in response to the 'Nade thing, If he/she was only little
    and did not know that the grenade would kill him/her and God Planned that child to be a Christian later in life and did not foresee them walking away from God. They would still go to Heaven

    Or on the other side... does a good deed that is finite deserve heaven? Yes. Does loving God, or being a good person in your short life deserve such eternal bliss? If You Mean Heaven, Yes. Especially knowing God already knew from before birth that you'd get there? And yet while you are there, God is sending people to hell, having known before they were born they'd end up there but creating them anyway? Is this a fair system of punishment? Its like court, If you are Innocent (Belief) You are Free (Heaven), But if you are guilty (Disbelief) you are sent to prison (Hell) The difference between Hell and Jail is Hell is Fiery and you're stuck there forever, and in jail its probably stinky and you get released after your time is up..

    Being an Atheist, when I get to the end of my life, I can be happy knowing I lived my only life ever as well as I could. An afterlife takes away from this life because it makes this one like a little road bump on the way to true happiness. Things like childbirth and love and friendship and excitement, even bad things that you feel so much emotion for, like death and pain, lose their meaning when you have a whole new eternal life waiting, and when feeling those emotions never will end, whereas a great part of emotion on earth is that they DO end. Making them more special while they last. (sorry for the rant lol ;) Just sort of kept typing without realizing I was) True, The Emotional thing about our life is knowing that it won't last forever. But then knowing that if you're a Christian (Like Me) That you'll get to take a 1,000 year long vacation in the happiest place in the universe. No, Not Disney World. Heaven!

    People have given logical reasoning in the past 248 pages, but it seems as if you're too stubborn to even suggest that it might be logical... at all.You're looking at it with a biased point of view. Simple. And I can't debate with biased people because there's absolutely no point.
    Then why are you here? If you can't debate with a biased person, then you shouldn't be debating at all. Everyone in a debate is biased. If not, then what are you doing? Arguing both sides? Since you aren't, don't try saying "I can't debate with biased people because there's absolutely no point". The point of a debate is to argue without end, and learn and listen to the other side. If you can't agree to disagree, and expect everyone here to convert or something, then don't come here.

    Personal experience can mean a lot. See, when you have a personal experience, you can then tell others about it. It's called sharing. And that wasn't even a personal experience.. that dealt with my grandma's friends and family...
    Yes, I did, but it's all biased to me. I use experience as logic.

    Other people are saying you just assume things. Take the hint... You are assuming things, and there's no way to go around it. So it's either you accept it, or you pout on about how you think you're smarter than everyone else.
    You are assuming things too. You are assuming that God exists, the bible is true, and that "experiences" that seem miraculous/spiritual/unlikely or unexplainable must logically be proof of God. And going back to being biased, your experiences have no reason to be in this debate, because they are extremely biased to yourself, and not to anyone else. Whereas something like the theory of evolution wasn't an experience someone had and was like, "Good golly its gotta be evolution!", it's been tested and examined and is a piece of evidence to be used, unlike saying, "We prayed for them and then they got better, it had to be God" (just making that up as an example of using an experience) Hey we'll i've seen people healed just like that. in the blink of an Eye. Literally

    I respect the fact that you've had experiences that convince you of a God, don't let that go, but in a debate, they have no place because they aren't pieces of evidence, nor are they proven or researched or anything. Thank you for understanding.

    The mind sees what the mind wants to see.

    Well that didn't take long now did it? Baibai
    #2604 GR4V3mind117, Aug 23, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2009
  5. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    I love how your group has only you in it :] and yes I do consider how you talk to how the people act in my above video. I see the light and its not a god at the end of it its reality.

    Please watch my video it show all your healing and all that nice stuff you talk abou and believe me theres no brainwashing in it at all well may be a little :]
    #2605 Eyeless Sid, Aug 23, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2009
  6. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Baby red panda.

    And am I the only one who thinks eternal life would be a punishment? Living our lives to the fullest when you know there ARE limits is what life is about. Not chaining yourself to a church and hoping for the best. My parents argue a lot over the direction their church is going these days. Which I just think is unneccesary stress.
  7. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    Nah I've made that argument tons of times in this thread and all I've gotten back is that you can't think like that because Heaven, like God, is above Earth standards.
  8. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    There is a scientific explanation for everything, yet you insist on ignoring reason further. No one gives a damn that your in sixth grade. You really don't know too much at all. When I was in that grade, the only biology I learned was about the human body's digestive track and such. Quit posting too if you don't even see a reason video that I recommend and jump to further conclusions. It's so sad.

    No, but the symbol of the cross was developed before protein. What the hell are you trying to suggest? Which came first in reality, the man who though up the design of the cross or the man made out of protein.


    EDIT on a different note: LOL that video is so damn funny. What the hell is wrong with society...
    #2608 Gollygeeanelite, Aug 24, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2009
  9. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    That's just an excuse to make themselves feel better.
  10. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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  11. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
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    Pigglez, I Responded to that wall of te- Er post-that-looks-like-it-took-a-long-time-to-write
  12. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    That's disgusting. You can convert a kid to cannibalism at that time of their life. They're just starting to open up to the world and you close them in with religious barriers. "Warlocks are an enemy to God"!? It's Harry Potter! Let the kid read the book or watch the movie, for christsakes. They won't believe in Wizardry unless you condone it, which quite honestly, you're already doing.

    Raise a kid to be an functional adult. Teach him everything about life. Don't introduce him to ANY religion. Explain Christianity to him. Watch the idea get laughed at.

    Really, stop brainwashing children like that. They're speaking TONGUES in that video, and they can't be older than 10 years old.
  13. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
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    If you're a Christian, That's A Good Thing

    "Train A Child In The Way He Should Go And When He is Old, He will not turn From It
    -Proverbs 22:6"

    I've lived on that verse since i was six. My Dad trained me to be a Christian, And I Admit i have not thought, Not even for a second to turn from God
    #2613 GR4V3mind117, Aug 24, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2009
  14. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    How about the guy getting crucified in the first video? Thats a good thing too?

    How about those guys hitting and cutting themselves in the name of the lord?
  15. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Why is speaking gibberish a good thing? All people in straight-jackets must be Christians then, too, right?
  16. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
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    It's A Good Thing if you're speaking in Tongues, Crucifixion and self-harm on the other hand is not

    And i have a pretty good feeling that Pigglez is writing me or ER1CO another WOT
  17. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Can you explain to me why speaking in tongues is a good thing? I thought it was a sign of the devil or something.
  18. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    But they do it in the name of jesus and god so it must be ok right? No
    Just because the bible says something doesn't mean you should do it. Brian washing is the main way for churches to gain members to bad they are all children. Im glad I wasn't brainwashed into religion like some.
  19. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    This explains so much. I wonder if someone trained your dad to "be Christian" or if he's just naturally a terrible human who thinks it's a good idea to force beliefs on children.

    Tell me Greatjedi7, if I convinced my children that there was an all-powerful invisible pink unicorn who would punish them if they did bad things, and my children passed that belief on to their children until there were one million people who believed in "her Unicorniness", would that mean that there is an actual pink unicorn?
  20. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    EDIT: Lol sorry Greatjedi... I just read last page and saw how you predicted I'd write a WOT... I don't try to... it just happens lol. ;)

    First, thanks for responding, I was waiting for someone to do so lol.

    1) Yes but you aren't appreciating the one you have as much as you should. This is the only life you'll have. If there is a God and you end up in heaven, more power to you. But with no real proof of God you shouldn't put your whole life on the belief of a God in the chance there isn't, because then you wasted your one life.

    If there is a God and his not completely merciful and all forgiving/loving self sends me to Hell for being a good person but not believing in him when so little proof was available, then I will have at least enjoyed the one real life I had on Earth and spent it doing everything I could to make it great, and not just waiting to die to get a better life.

    2) You didn't understand what I said. I said that comfort isn't always the truth. Just because something is nice and comforting doesn't make it right.

    So you know, there is a cake waiting for you on the other side of your door. Is there really a cake? Possibly, but probably not. There's no proof for the cake as far as you can tell and there is no way of knowing until you get to the door. But the one way to know is to take my word for it.

    Is it comforting to think a cake is waiting for you outside your room? Yes. Does that make it true? No.

    3) I don't think I completely understand the metaphor. Or really, how the metaphor has anything to do with what I said. That's great that you get a cool crown. But I said that the system is wrong. Something that is only temporary doesn't deserve something infinite.

    Calling you an idiot (which I'm not doing, this is an example) is mean and wrong, yes, but it is nor like I branded the word into your forehead, making it permanent. And thus, because I did that, killing me, a permanent consequence, is not right. Nor would it be right to give me a lifetime supply of food for calling you brilliant.

    4) Do you understand what I said? Did you read part of it and not the rest? The point is that God KNEW. God is described as omniscient, meaning he is ALL KNOWING. If he exists, he knows EVERYTHING that could ever be. He knows what you and everyone in the world right now is thinking. He knows how many sub atomic particles are in the desk in front of me. He knows how and when I'll die, and if I am going to heaven and hell. He has known that since millions of years before my birth.

    But he created me anyway, as he did anyone else. Is it fair that he creates people destined for hell, knowing they are destined for hell, and then punishes them for living their destiny, when they didn't have to live. He could have spared them eternal torture by not creating them. This is UNJUST. That is the point.

    5) Your court analogy is nice, but the difference is that you can get a sentence to get out of jail. Not all jail sentences are life sentences. Some are, but they are fitted to the person and the crime. The judicial system doesn't have two extremes: Freedom and Lifetime imprisonment (heaven and hell) and puts all crimes under both, so that shoplifting and mass genocide each deserve the same punishment.

    My point is that the system God uses to decide people's fates is a very wrong system. It is horribly set up and doesn't take into account the severity of the crime.

    6) And everyone else, people who might have been nicer than you, better than you when it comes to charity or whatnot, people who never hurt a fly, are going to Hell because they didn't believe. OR they believed in a different religion. There are hundreds or so religions. What makes yours right and all the rest definitely wrong?

    If there was just ONE religion in the world, I'd be much more likely to believe. But seeing that God can't even manage to make sure his word doesn't get so damn messed up and played with that hundreds of thousands of interpretations are made up, doesn't convince me.

    7) Well that can't be proven to have actually happened, (your experiences) and there are explanations as to how those things can happen. There is also the placebo effect, which is when you trick yourself into believing something. It's like giving two groups of people pills to treat a headache. One group gets an actual pill, the other gets a tic tac. Both groups are told they got real pills and the pills will work. The results: All people in the pill group were healed. Half the people in the placebo group claimed they were healed, when really, they just were tricked into believing something happened, when in actuality they never received a pill.

    But as I said, I can't argue those experiences as I wasn't there, and they can't be proven to have happened as described. But if you say they did, then believe that.

    As I said before, The mind sees what the mind wants to see.
    #2620 Pigglez, Aug 24, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2009
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