Shinybinary - Art and designs of Nik Ainley While some of them blow, others are amazing... The thing that impressed me, was who this guys' clients were... Take a look on the right of each picture.
I am impressed!! I can't believe how he/she pulled this off. Now, Im just waiting for one of our graphic artists of our site to start saying what can be improved and stuff, that would be hilarious..
Well, someone has to make art for them... Anyway, could anyone recommend me a good program for the type of 3D text that he has?
Still.. They did it for OXM and Esquire also. I love the "Fluid" one. Here's his facebook for anyone that didn't look at the info section.
I wish I was better at illustrator because I really want to be able to do stuff that nice. Very amazing.
Adobe Advanced Photoshop Al Jazeera Audi British Airways Capital One Computer Arts Dazed & Confused Digital Arts Ericsson Esquire Faber & Faber Halifax Harper Collins HSBC Imaginary Foundation International Delight MTV National Geographic New Scientist Nickelodeon Photoshop Creative Starbucks The Big Issue UNICEF Virgin Xbox 360 Magazine Holy....****.....
What are you trying to say? I didn't see the part where it said PS, but yeah that guy is clearly a great artist with his Illustrator, I am planning on getting a copy some time, lots of fun for typography.
He renders his text in C4D anyway. I wish C4D was easier to use, as my computer takes hours and hours to render a simple thing