well basically i cant play halo 3 ive saved it to my xbox when it got scrached (saved with my freinds) it worked for a while but now (actually for a while now) it just says theres no disc in the xbox im wondering if anyone here knows the solution to this problems can it be my DvD drive? and now god damn it, i dont mind waiting for odst
Well if you're going to get ODST, don't bother getting a new copy of Halo 3. Also, don't save Halo 3 to your hard drive. Bungie already added a very similar feature to the game, so using the NXE method of saving a game to the HDD actually makes the game slower because instead of collecting saved data from one area on the HDD (saved using the NXE method) it has to go to several places (using Bungie's feature and the NXE one). But the "no disc in drive" problem is odd. Does it happen with any other game? If its just Halo, then give the disc a good clean. Run it under a bit of water and very gently wipe the surface to remove any dirt or grease.
its just halo everyother game works perfectly i might just delete halo3 from my harddrive along with the maps, tatle be like 6GB more space
Yeah, definately delete Halo 3 and we can all delete the DLC maps when we get ODST because they'll be on the disc.