Gmail User Warning

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Xun, Jun 23, 2011.

  1. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    I logged onto my Gmail account this morning to find a notification that unauthorized activity had happened on my account whilst I was sleeping. It was from some Venezuelan website,, and they tried to access my email. Obviously it was some sort of spamming effort, and dont know if they got in, but it got thwarted by Google. I went through the necessary security precautions suggested by Gmail anyway, just to be sure. If anyone here uses a Gmail account, I would suggest doing the same asap, just to be on the safe side.
  2. Security

    Security Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I got a gmail account so I wouldn't have to do this!
  3. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Did google say anything else? I haven't gotten anything about this on any of my email accounts.
  4. broccollipie

    broccollipie Ancient

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    The same thing happened to me a few months back, but it was from Eqypt.
    I traced the IP back to some Arabic stock market website. I just changed my password and it never happened again.
  5. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    All I got was a warning box up the top of my inbox page saying "WARNING: Unauthorized activity has happened recently" or something similar, so I clicked it and it showed me a list of the IP addresses that had accessed my account recently. On top of the list was a Venezuelan IP address that traced back to the website in my OP. So I changed my password and everything just to be sure nothing would happen again.

    If any of you here have the 2-step authorization activated on your account then you shouldnt have anything to worry about. I didnt have it activated, and this is probably why this has happened to me. Needless to say, now every security measure is activated. :p

    Like I said, I dont think any sensitive information has been stolen, but it was very likely just an attempt at a phishing attack to advertise their shitty website.

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