Debate Global Warming:Real or Scam

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by urban destroyer, Nov 21, 2009.

  1. El Diablo

    El Diablo Ancient
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    Most of the accidents are due to human mistakes not faulty design. So better training would mean that hardly anything would ever happen. And if you put the right safety precautions in, something like Chernobyl would be impossible. It exploded because they didn't have any safety measures.
  2. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    They had safety measures however they were dismantled and removed to be used on another site without the knowledge of the overseeing staff on site at the time.

    Realisticly speaking, the stereotyped effects of Nuclear energy are not only extremely unlikely, but nevertheless still unavoidable. Nuclear reactions are created and controlled regularly in scientific labs around the world. Accidents are frequent, and in cases people have died.

    People can throw the case of Chernobyl out all they like, but America controlled Thee Mile Island very well, and in the UK we had a case at Windscale that was handled without fatality.

    Offtopic i know. Anyway how about this
  3. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Let's look at the Earth from a different perspective: In the 4 billion years the planet has been alive, its temperatures change constantly. Ice-ages, and heat-ages have both occured. It's normal for the world to change its global temperature over the course of a long period of time.

    One the other hand, according to scientists, this is the fastest and most dramatic temperature change in the past few million years. Are we to blame?

    Experiments have proven that Co2, the gas which we emit into the atmosphere constantly, is a greenhouse gas. My personal belief is that the Earth was warming already, we're just speeding along the process.

    It's obvious that the Earth is getting warmer, and people are going to try a make a profit from it in any way they can. But it's not them causing the problem. (Although they probably aren't helping either) I honestly think that Global warming is over-exaggerated, although others think that we need to take action. See here.

    Overall, I don't feel that global warming is as bad as others claim it is, but SOME sort of action must be taken. We can't keep what we're doing now anyways, fossil fuels are running out.
  4. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Co2 is a greenhouse gas yes, but not from scientific experiments. Don't be misled that the 'greenhouse effect' is some crazy dastardly mechanism that man has constructed. It is of natural occurance, and has existed since our atmosphere formed.

    I lead you to the below image of ice core data detailing the Co2 levels, and derivative Temperatures from a time long before us. I don't need to point out to you that there is some sort of pattern emerging.

    Lastly, i'd just like to point out two things. The less obvious that the below recordings are natrual, which should be obvious. The less obvious, that the vast majority of Co2 emissions from the past and from today are volcanic. There have been ages in the Earths creation of heavily volcanicity, where Co2 levels in the atmosphere were so heavy that life in most cases would not survive. Without reciting data i believe the air was close to 70% Co2, in comparison to the 2% we know now.


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