Lol, that's exactly what I was talking about, how there might be random dots off the map. I actually think that tree on Elbow might extend out that far, so I think that's what it's from. Idk though, could be from jumping off the map, maybe falling off with the ball in MLG.
Ditto. Heatmaps were made for the more competitive player who cares about the hotspots. Most people who play Halo don't even use them.
iF you look at your own personal heatmaps, it gives you a better idea. but regardless i don't even think it helps you. seriously like wtf are you going to analyze the heatmaps so you can plan out how you play? halo is a friggin game not some calculus test. btw, isn't it weird no one has been killed in that bottom corner by the lift to sniper spawn?
I can't really use the Heatmaps anymore. Everything, like everyone has already said stated, is just red. I can't really "pinpoint" anything or figure out what do considering everything is all in red. But I do agree they should refresh those every once in a while. Like once a month would be fine I think, don't see any problem with that; so the whole map isn't so red all the time.
Did you skip like half the forum? We've already been over this, we had a complete conversation about it.
They do a better job describing occurences for single players, the global ones are just a cluster****.