Some of us have done it before= glitching under Foundry for forging purposes. Only there, you could die really easily. Now, in the crypt, using the same method (spawn box, set to no, wait for it, it pushes you under) you can land under the crypt easily, without risk of death. Waiting for the box to spawn.. Now, at first it was all bizarre, and colourfull and... Alright, according to the screenies it's just blue. Not true, though! Hey, I got a lot of space to move around! Alright, not a lot directly under the Crypt, bet there's enough free room around to use. w00t, you can get objects there! If the object spawns inside the crypt, just drag it far enough, it'll jump to you in time. They fall, but the save & quit method fails -- they just disappear. So, I don't know what to do with the area, why don't you come up with something? Maybe I missed something important about the S&Q method. Also, you could try merging objects with the walls, so they're partially outside of the crypt. I dunno, I recon this area might be handy for forging hard stuff in the crypt or even on Sandbox's main floor. Also, if this has been posted before, my apologies.
Very good job Spirit! I didn't know this even worked on Sandbox, and might find it helpful when making a map! I don't know about everybody else, but this is new information to me. Thanks Spirit, I wonder what Transfusion by Public Servant would look like down there? Very blue I suppose..
wow, I was doing this yesterday. In regards to placing objects outside the map from what I understand the teardrop must stay in the default areas of the map. So if have the whole object outside the map the object will reset or in this case disappear. But as I said before this just my understanding and I might be wrong
you can get objects to stay on the outside it they are placed against the invisi-wall, however teleporters brought outside will show as blocked and you are ejected back inside when you go into character mode it does not look like you can get outside during a custom game, but i am sure some may still find this useful later i will try spawning a mongoose to see if you can board it through the wall
Thats weird, a few days ago I went under the crypt and it was not blue as your pictures suggest. What I saw was very brown and the colors glitched to where the pixels would be frozen on my screen
Pretty cool find, but it seems useless at this point. Hopefully someone will think of something cool to use it for.
Machinima? Hello, this is like a perfect blue screen! Way better than Guardian's. Sweet stuff. Maybe I'll try that sometime.
only if it were so unfortunately it is not blue in-game, only in screen shots - and you cannot leave monitor mode while outside the Crypt
The only thing this could help with is maybe geomerging movable objects, only if the floor was exactly like that of Foundry's
i didnt know that you could even do that, thats pretty cool mabey now you wont have to worry about running out of space in the crypt you can just forge out side of the crypt thanks for finding that and posting it on forgehub.
I'd like to say you can also get there from the main floor, and you'll land in the same area. You can't place objects on the Crypts roof, because you can't quite even see it. You can go all the way to the border, kinda funny to have the towers shooting at the surface, aiming at you but not succeeding at penetrating the soil- or rather sand- to get you.
now that we know how to place objects outside the crypt - has anyone figured out how to get out there during a custom game?