Remember my old glitch montage about 2 weeks ago? Well, a lot of people were DEMANDING a tutorial. Here is one of the tutorials that I finally completed for the basic glitch. YouTube - Basic Immovable Item Dummying Glitch/Levitation Tutorial This is the basic glitch to most of the glitches used to make the 'Glitch Montage' that I made. I know the tutorial is kind of bad, but if you really want to know how to do this glitch, you should be happy. Text Tutorial: First go into forge (you have to be non-host for the glitch to work) and then make the immovable item that you want to dummy. To dummy the item, make sure your looking at the item while in forge and then press 'up on the d-pad' and the 'A button.' (You want to press the A button the at the exact moment when you change back into a person, so you will pick up the item for a split second.) Then, if you did it right, you should be able to move the item around on your screen and on everyone elses it will be in the same spot. Thanks to Evilgrunt6 and RUFINESS for helping make the video.
no it's not. i've played it before. its a mod of forge, so you can't DL it from file shares or anything. that was a cool glitch, but you shouldn't have kept the tutorial from people so long. also, can you do this off-line? i saw in your video that you did it over live, but like with the turetless hog glitch you can do it off-line as well. your tutorial wasn't realy that bad BTW.
Wow you just prooved yourself wrong, its amazing how you spent the time to deny what we claimed then just basicly show a video that shows that what we claimed is partialy right. We said that it is either done by lagswitching or some sort of host glitch and you denied that, so im now thinking that you are a compulsive liar. Good video but why PM me to show me this when you prooved yourself wrong.
Dude he didnt prove himself wrong you said he either modded or lagswitched not host glitch so just stfu
do you know if this'll stay like this when you leave forge? i had someone (keeping his name withdrawn) whow had a whole level made out of this kind of thing. he also is a modder but he said that it wasn't a mod.
it wouldn't stay the same if you save it in forge and then went into custom games, but if he had the forge custom game then yeah, he could have done it.
Actually this is what I said and you just said I didnt, you have memory like a goldfish! Plus you denied this statement..
Omg, are you not happy I gave you a tutorial, and btw I never denied that statement, just go here: So I think it is you with a "memory like a goldfish!" Connention glitch or not, it is still a glitch... Now seriously can't we all just get along...
Connection obv comes under lagswitches and no im not happy weres the other glitch tuts? Last post b4 i get banned
connection obv comes under lagswitches? was there any lag in the tutorial? No. More tutorials are coming soon.
nice tutorial but i already knew about dummying, so nothing really new to me but you did a nice vid showing how to do it, and the dummying was used for alot of the glitches in the montage but there are a few in there which still confuse me lol, cant wait to see the next one i hope its not another one i already know