
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ZombieBiscuit, Aug 1, 2010.

  1. ZombieBiscuit

    ZombieBiscuit Ancient
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    Well recently i was at a friends house and they have glasses. Being the usual cool person i am i instantly grabbed them and put them on. Usually when we all do this our vision gets ****ed and get dizzy and stuff. But i was seriously amazed when i put them on. Everything was clearer and actually made my vision better. Which got me thinking. EDIT: Oh an just after i tried them on and got amazed i was wathing tv and couldnt read the text on it at all. Put the glasses on and i could see everything.

    Over maybe the last 6 months ive been having a trouble seeing things at a far. Mostly noticing this at school trying to read the board which is actually a hard task for me. Even when sitting closer to the front its still that bit blurry. So i was thinking why not get an i test just to be on the safe side. Eh if i do end up with glasses it isnt that bad(No god dam contacts >.<)

    BUT what im worried about here is the eye test itself. Anything to do with eyes freaks me out. I hate anything touching my eyes or others touching around there eyes i hate it. I hate eyes. Except looking at them haha. I know that they do that reading chart and shine the light in your eye but im asking those who have actually done an eye test if there is anything else they do and is it bad or what. Getting an eye test actually scares me but i want one to fix/find anything that might be wrong with my eyes.

    In conclusion: What else does an eye test include, was it it bad and how was the overall experience for those with glasses?(test and wearing them)
    #1 ZombieBiscuit, Aug 1, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2010
  2. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    I wear glasses and have a pretty high prescription in one eye, which sucks because I have to close one eye to read anything without them, even if it's super close, and a lower prescription in the other. I wouldn't worry about it, you do a few charts (where I go they use an old computer with slides instead of an old fashioned chart, but it's the same idea), and for the most part getting a prescription is them saying "this one or this one" over and over until they pin it down. The worst you can expect them to do with your eyes are some drops (which I hate, but no big deal) and shining a light in your eyes for a tiny bit (which I also hate because my eyes are super sensitive to light), but neither of these are big deals at all. Don't worry about it, it won't hurt you at all, in fact the thing I dislike about it most is that it takes FOREVER, and the fact that I can't see very well until a few hours after (because of the drops).

    So, go there, don't be too afraid because they're not going to poke at your eyes or give you laser surgery or something. There's a bunch of equipment they use but it's for the most part really simple (look forward and try not to blink), and I'm sure they'll explain stuff to you if you're nervous anyway. :)
  3. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    My eyes are just barely bad, so my prescriptions aren't that bad, and even then they haven't changed one bit in 5 years so it's good.But yeah... I've gone for an eye appointment every year, and I can't touch m eyes either, so I must be going back there cause they don't, eh?

    The closest harm your eyes get at the optometrist is the light in the eyes.
  4. ZombieBiscuit

    ZombieBiscuit Ancient
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    Thanks for the replies.

    If i was to get glasses(i will never get contacts in my gawd dam life) i wouldn't have to wear them all the time? I'd wear them just for school or tv or something, but if i was reading or on the computer i'd take them off right? And is it true that you can become to 'dependent' on them?
  5. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    Let me put it this way. Evolution wants you dead.
  6. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    I know of many people who take them on and off, personally I don't though. I think your eyes can get dependent on them, but it's not as much of a deal as people make it seem. Especially if you're going to be driving, it's pretty important to be able to see clearly...I never really think about my glasses at all.

    If you're picking out a pair, try to get a decently light one, by the way (IMO). I think a heavy pair can be super annoying (though you can tone it out eventually), and the extra $50 or whatever is completely worth it for something a little lighter.
  7. Skill Caster

    Skill Caster Ancient
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    Eye tests are nothing to be afraid of, seriously, there are way, way scarier things you will go through in your life. I started out probably like I imagine you are; I had to wear glasses when viewing far away things, or on the computer, etc. I didn't, though, because I thought they were pretty lame, but the eye strain caused it to get worse, so I had to get permanent glasses. Worst like, 4-5 years of my life. I look terrible with glasses. So, for about a year now, I've had contacts, and my life is awesome. Contacts are awesome. The touching your eye part isn't really that bad, and contacts feel super amazing. The only problem I've had is a really terrible eye irritation from contact overuse, but even then, all I had to do was take a break from them and put in some eyedrops every day for a couple weeks.
  8. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    Im just gonna take a guess, and say that this:
    Is the reason behind your problem.
  9. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    I said I'd do this too, but honestly I wear mine all the time. It's just a hassle to carry around a glasses case IMO. I don't have to wear glasses when playing sports, and other than that I rarely don't wear mine. Glasses correct your vision, and if you wear them early enough your eyes will actually repair themselves so you wouldn't need them anymore.
  10. Gr4phix

    Gr4phix Ancient
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    Eye tests are really no big deal mate, they're easy and harmless. As to eyes getting dependent on glasses, I can't really say much. I mean, I wake up, put them on, and never notice `em.

    The only time I really notice my glasses is when someone points out a huge blob or something on them or when my glasses pinch my hairs. The only time I really take off my glasses is when I'm reading (I read right at my nose, only God knows why) or when I'm sleeping.

    I took an eye test about a month ago, it was fine. I just hate the part where they put the light in my eye! Normally they do this air-puff thing, but they didn't do it last time. I'm not exactly sure as to why, but hey, just made it easier for me.
  11. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    20/20 viz here, so dun ask me.

    The only probs I've encountered at the eye doctor, is for a test they did, they put some solutions to dilate my eyes, which stung a little.
  12. WaxyPumpkin72

    WaxyPumpkin72 Ancient
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    The glaucoma test is kind of irritating. I don't know if they'll do that to you though.
  13. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Only thing I hate is the test where you have to look at the thing in the distance. They require you to stare, and I can't stare. I have to blink.
  14. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
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    An eye test is nothing to be afraid of at all. Based on what you said, the doctor might do two things that you wouldn't like:

    1. He might put some drops in your eyes to dilate your big deal. Everything will seem to be really bright for about 45 minutes, but that's it. You should not drive yourself home after this procedure, so bring somebody with you.

    2. He might check to see if you have glaucoma, which means he will measure your eye pressure by pressing an instrument up to your eyes for a few seconds. It's not painful or irritating, just a little strange. Here's a picture. If you're OK with that, good. If you're not, sorry.

    If you get contact lenses, you will be forcing yourself to desensitize your eyes and you probably won't be so squeamish about eyes anymore. That might be the path you should take.
    #14 RaVNzCRoFT, Aug 1, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2010
  15. ZombieBiscuit

    ZombieBiscuit Ancient
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    I can stare ;P

    Seems the worst i have to worry about is the eye drops which i reckon i wont get. (ive delt with eye drops once in my life. Super hard for me to get them into my eye)

    THANX FOR MAKING ME WORRY NOW /endcaps I swear i am straight out denying that if they ask.

    EDIT: Bare minimum will make me happy lol. I still haven't even asked parents to get an appointment o.o

    Im almost 17 and im probs not going for my license any time soon, so im good there.
    #15 ZombieBiscuit, Aug 2, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2010
  16. RageQuit

    RageQuit Forerunner

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    Umm idk if this works but my friend said blink your eyes really fast for like 5 seconds then close them tightly(thatswhatshesaid). For like 5 times a day for like idk how long but he said thats a way to kinda fix your vision.
  17. ZombieBiscuit

    ZombieBiscuit Ancient
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    i'd rather not take your friends advice. HAHA. Better to be safe and get em checked.
  18. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    The easiest way to check your eyes is to play catch in dense traffic.
  19. ZombieBiscuit

    ZombieBiscuit Ancient
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    No because you have to take in the variable of how good(or bad) you are at dodging cars so its not a fair test.
  20. Love Slice

    Love Slice Ancient
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    It's not a very dramatic process. You should be fine.

    Also, contact lenses > all.

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