Gladiator CTF This is my first map so be critical so i can improve, this is just a dome made by my friend that i changed and added on all over the place i build a wall and a base on each side with the halway sections i setup spawns and weapons This is a hardcore map with 3 snipers and 2 shotguns both with very slow spawns and a huge variety of other basic weapons. Works great with 2v2 to 4v4 use suggeted gametype for best gameplay. This map may not look to good but if used with gametype and right amount of people it is really fun. To one base from where snipe spawns Where a flag spawns(one on other side too) Hallway on way to flag(one on each side) Toward other side from where sniper spawns Fence with single box and shotty spawn seperating both sides If no where else you will spawn here with a sender node out to prevent spawn kiling link to map(desription is from maker of dome) Link to game type(works best with this) Thanks to DaHitman12 for helping me with making and testing this map Gamertag is same
You should use a image hosting website such as photobucket or imageshack to embed the images. Links to bungie are just frustrating and leads away from your page
yeah i was trying but couldn't get photobucket or imageshack to work right i also spent awhile looking for ideas to do in the dome but couldnt find any and i am pretty close to budget also so cant do much
oh ok someone said to do somthing or another with photobucket EDIT:i just tried what you said but i cant see the picture can u
I've seen that dome somewhere before... or at least one VERY much like it. It was for an infection game with one chopper and points for splatters. Anyways, back on topic. I love the dome, its a very cool part of the map, though it would be nice if you gave your friend credit as well (by name, that is). --dc
his name is on the discription of the map(when u dl it it in map description) the dome canvas has been used for alot of maps too
It looks like you only took the dome made by Nathan Green or somebody (I know they were a member of forgeguide) and edited it. Sorry man but it doesn't look like you put much effort into this map and I don't think this is very impressive. You should also give a lot more credit to whover made the actual dome because I and a lot of other people are sure you didn't make the dome. Sorry but no DL from me.
Nice map and i like your post but i think you should add a special thanks to nathan green for building the dome.