Gladiator battle

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Iron Matzah, Aug 2, 2008.

  1. Iron Matzah

    Iron Matzah Ancient
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    The simple idea for this map is that two people are fighting in a one on one battle with other players watching.
    Here's how it works.
    Two combatants spawn outside of an arena with a random set of weapons. They choose two and head into the arena to fight to the death with the other combatant. They also spawn with two random weapons.
    Combatants have 4x overshields and no regeneration.
    Random combatants will be pitted against each other each round.
    One kill ends the round.
    If only one combatant is placed in the arena or if one or both refuse to play, then a teleporter will open up after two minutes allowing everyone to jump in and compete for a stray point.
    This can usually be avoided if there is a red and blue team.
    IMPORTANT: everyone must be on a different team, so only 8 people can play at once
    There are low jumps to prevent getting out

    map variant
    game variant


    Overview of the arena

    Overview of the arena after the teleporter has been opened (the overshield, custom powerup, and active camo "count down" to the free for all phase)
    #1 Iron Matzah, Aug 2, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2008
  2. N1SS3 200

    N1SS3 200 Ancient
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    nice idea but couldn't you just jump out of the map with grenade jump or something?
    or is it a roof on it??
  3. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    this has been done before, and done better, obviously. i thinhk interlokcing would make for ebtter aesthenics, the map looks real open, so you could add more. i also think that if you made a second story, it would stop a-holes from getting out of map.
  4. Zachary9990

    Zachary9990 Ancient
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    I'm sorry, but I have seen this done WAY to many times before and it doesn't even hve anything special to maybe make me play it. Like the guy above me, you could interlock, maybe geomerge, add a second level or a roof. I'm sorry to poop on your party, and I know I hate it when my maps are disliked, but I can honestly say this will get barely any DLs.
  5. haseoice

    haseoice Ancient
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    it looks nice, but i can see a million ways to get out. add more interlocking, maybe make it a little rounded, but it may take some time with all the interlocking. and like bloumbas said, add 1 or 2 more levels ov boxes to prevent people from getting out of the map, and if they manage, put a bunch of teleporters or get someone to break your map so you can fix the flaws. i give it a 2.5/5
  6. Iron Matzah

    Iron Matzah Ancient
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    I guess I forgot to mention that there are low jumps to prevent people from getting out, so now that I mention it there's really no ways to get out at all exept for maybe when free for all phase hits

    Senior Member

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    you use interlocking and geomerging for aesthetics and the looks. you should put more double boxes or anything non move-able on the outline of the stadium if you make a v2.

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