Gladiator Arena 8 player max. This small Free For All map can be alot of fun when you get a group of eight going. You start in a box with two or one weapon depending on box, pistol/smg pistol/plasma rifle 2 pistols 2 plasma rifles smg/spiker mauler sentinal beam plasma rifle/spiker and after that it turns into an all out bloodbath. more powerful weapons spawn on timers around the map some have limited ammo so be careful. Also on timers are grenades and equipment such as a regenerator, trip mine, deployable cover, and bubble shield. In the center is a custom power up which gives you increased shields. if you are really courageous hop on one of two mongooses. I made this before I knew how to interlock so it's not perfect but it's still alot of fun! Pictures Download Here Download Gladiator Gametype Here
it looks fun for warm ups and such but i think that it belongs in the casual section instead of competitive. lack of cover would not make it competitive because of its spawn,kill,die gameplay. forging seams alright though.
Yeah I tried to make it just a continuous fight. But it turns into a competition over the custom and weapons so I put it under competetive maps, and forging could be better I will admit but thanks