Glacial Shelf Created by Falconx03 Supported Gametypes: 2 Flag Capture the Flag and 2 Bomb Assault are recommended. Team Slayer can work but not all that well. More gametypes may be coming soon. Map Description This map is on Avalanche so Legendary Map Pack is required. This is a Big Team map for 6v6, 7v7, or 8v8. Any less than that will be horrible and not work too well. It is symmetrical in every way possible. There is interlocking in the neutral/central base but it was hard to make it perfect due to the ground was bumpy and hilly. Weapons(each side) 6x Battle Rifles(20 second respawns) 1x Shotgun(45 second respawn, 0 spare clips) 1x Sniper Rifle(90 second respawn) 2x Spikers(10 second repawn) 1x Plasma Pistol(30 second respawn) 1x Brute Shot(30 second respawn) 1x Rocket Launcher(45 second respawn, 1 spare clip) 2x Covenant Carbines(20 second respawns) Equipment(each side) 6x Frag Grenades 6x Plasma Grenades 2x Spike Grenades 1x Power Drain 1x Trip Mine 1x Radar Jammer 1x Deployable Cover 1x Overshield 1x Active Camo Vehicles(each side) 1x Warthog(30 second respawn) 2x Mongoose(10 second respawn) 1x Ghost(10 second respawn) 1x Wraith(60 second respawn) 1x Banshee(150 second respawn) 1x Hornet(90 second respawn) 1x Scorpion Tank(180 second respawn, NOT placed at start) 1x Prowler(30 second respawn) Central Base/Area 2x Battle Rifle(30 second respawn) 2x SMG(30 second respawn) 1x Beam Rifle(60 second respawn) 1x Spartan Laser(60 second respawn) 1x Missile Pod(90 second respawn) 2x Frag Grenade(10 second respawn) 1x Regenerator(60 second respawn) 1x Bubble Shield(in middle "cave" 60 second respawn) 2x Mongoose(30 second respawn) 1x Chopper(60 second respawn) _________________________________________________ The Central Base to control Outside looking at one of the bases. The middle "Cave" where the bubble shield spawns Inside the base where players will spawn Under the neutral/central base. This is where the sniper rifle and deployable cover spawn. _________________________________________________ I would like to thank Overkill 3mp, Alwaysbest187 and Mr Sir v2 for helping me with this map. I'm taking any and all feedback. Whether it's good or bad. Download Glacial Shelf here
Good base and interlocking. But if thats it, not much at all, kind of boring. Add more stuff in next version. Though it looks good, 4/5.
wow, thats great for a first post! the map looks okay, a little tasteless, maybe more pics woud help. I don't know. it seems like the map has just this little station. Overall Rating: 3/10
I doesnt matter if theres not much to show, people are more interested when you have loads of piccys (wow people actually online when i post!)
wow those replies were fast. anyway, the bases are symmetrical so I didn't find the need to include a pic of both bases out front showing the vehicles. I guess i should have stated the fact that they are symmetrical. I'll see if i can get some more pics up.
please dont spam edit you first post. and yes i do agree more pics would be better because i cant tell what the point of this map is. but yeah interlocking is good so ill dl and check it out
The interlocking is good, but there's not really much of a map, like one or two bases are the entire map, make support structures so it looks like war that would be cool.
i added two little structures to the map for version 2(not out yet). They are equal in size and shape and stuff but i hit the object limit once i finished the second one lol. If anyone doesnt mind either doing a run through in forge or something and tell me what i should remove or change or actually play test it with friends or something and then get me some feedback.
Now this map looks good. The original 2 pics didnt show much of the map so it looked a bit empty looks pretty good now
It's really boring dude, this is a big map so if your going to add things you need to add alot and make a real noticable difference.