Girls Get the Anime Look with Extra-Wide Contact Lenses

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Reynbow, Aug 11, 2008.

  1. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    Girls Get the Anime Look with Extra-Wide Contact Lenses
    Posted August 9th, 2008 by Steve Levenstein

    Wide-eyed and not-so-innocent?

    Anyone who's seen Japanese comics, cartoon videos or anime art is instantly struck by the common look of the girls - big eyes that, by making the rest of the face look small, add the cuteness and sex appeal prized by many Japanese men. Since no amount of cosmetic surgery will make actual human eyes larger, some girls are trying another way to up their cute quotient: extra-wide contact lenses!​
    These are no ordinary contacts - they're not only tinted, but tinted prominently in the extra-wide outer ring. The result is the appearance of a bigger, wider iris.

    To quote the sales copy, "Wanna get big, watery shiny eyes without any surgery? CRAVE AND ENVY NO MORE!"

    The extra-wide contact lenses are made by a variety of companies including Geo and Dueba, and cost in the $30-$50 per pair range. It seems they're not just cosmetic - send in your prescription and the lenses will be made to order. ​
    The site featuring the lenses sells a few other beauty aids, including a painful-sounding "nose clipper" and a Crystal Colagen Breast Mask which demands a posting of its own - keep a big, watery, shiny eye on this blog!​
  2. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    I'm sorry, that's just scary O_O
  3. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    That is crazy, I want mine in red! But still that's crazy. The Japanese make everything!
  4. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
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    This is hilarious, I'd love to punch someone wearing these in the face.
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  5. Arch3m

    Arch3m Ancient
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    See, I find that to be really cool. I guess I just like anime art styles too much.
  6. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    The whole Japanese obsession with eyes has always creeped me out, the fact that the vast majority of actors have their eyes surgically opened further is the main example. I personally think that Japanese eyes have a beautiful look, and think that the Americanization craze is a sad fact. This anime extension of the principle is just the icing on the cake, and rates a definite 10 on the creepy scale.

    Lol, way to contribute to the discussion Dom ;). This said, I have to admit agreeing with your sentiments entirely....
  7. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    It isn't polite to punch a lady sir Dom. You smack em.

    But ya, that is odd.. but I think more than anything it is them opening their eyes wide, cause the example eye pics didn't really look anything like the first one...
  8. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I think you'll find that a true lady settles for nothing less than the trademark pimp's backhand, accompanied by the words "get in that kitchen and make me a sandwhich, wench!". This may be splitting hairs though.....
  9. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Erm... I'm a Female... :surprise:mg:

    Thank you for stereotyping...
  10. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Ah, but you see...

    When you have that, what more do you need?
  11. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Can you seriously not see the ironic intentions of my post?

    Now THAT is comedy.
    #11 Pegasi, Aug 11, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2008
  12. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Nope, but then I saw the other post... I'm sorry, I'm dull.

  13. Kagemusha

    Kagemusha Ancient
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    I'm a girl to! A pretty girl! -Holds onto his hair tightly.-
  14. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
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    Lies and slander.

    Guys, let's try and move this back on topic, eh? 'Tis General Chat, after all.
  15. Kagemusha

    Kagemusha Ancient
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    Yeah, the girls look ****ing insane inside the pictures man, I'd like to wear them just to try them out!
  16. Arch3m

    Arch3m Ancient
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    Sadly, this is true. Except I have two brains, and one of them is in my head. And oh, do they have wacky disagreements! They need their own sitcom! Because they never agree on anything!
  17. Sheogorath

    Sheogorath Ancient
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    thank you for stereotyping:happy: the irony is delicious its even more delicious when the irony is referring to something already somewhat ironic.....Sadly this is true for some people (even sadder enough SOME people like this actually do get women.....:shiver:) ugh
  18. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    TBH that pic is a pretty good comeback, and instilled within me a less than subtle 'lol'.

    Since you asked so nicely Dom, I'll try and get somewhere in the vicinity of the original topic, I'm a dirty rambler I'm afraid.

    I'd like to know people's views on the possible differences between this and cosmetic surgery. Try to avoid personal hangups about whether such procedures creep you out, but give logical reasons as to why you approve or disapprove.

    My personal view is that, in some ways, things like this are no different in principle from cosmetic surgery. Its a desire to change or augment your appearance that is akin to wearing make up, the differences come from how permanent a commitment you make. In this respect, the surgery barrier is the obvious big one. Once you actually alter your body as opposed to just adding on top of it, then there's a real commitment to the choice you make. Whilst its true that surgery is getting to a point where procedures can be "reversed", you can't really undo what is done, you can only change further in pursuit of your original appearence.

    Whilst I find the idea creepy on a personal level, I don't disapprove of them in any way. Things like these lenses are a way for people to look how they want, even if that is drastically different from the norm (so to speak). My only problem comes from cosmetic surgery, and when its undertaken without proper consideration of the consequences, an arguably relaxed attitude that is creeping into society. Whilst many surgeries offer a pre-surgery consultation where they decide if you have thought it through properly, many either approve people irresponsibly or have no such consultations.

    But then again, there is the argument that people should make their own mistakes. You can't really blame anyone but yourself for not thinking through a procedure that has such obviously permanent effects.
  19. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
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    Personally, I think its creepy. I mean I think that it doesn't really add anything. Apparently, Japanese men like large-eyed women, but their porn is cartoons so we obviously have different tastes (I meant we as Americans/where ever your from if its not Japan). I like it when women have beautiful eyes that "pop" but I don't like the huge-eye thing. Its just not appealing to me personally.

    As for a moral arguement, I think people should be happy with who you are. Short of having some sort of horrible scars or burn or an otherwise damaged face, I would never change my appearance by means of any surgeries. I can understand how some people believe that they'd be better with a part of their appearance altered, it really comes down to the fact that you have to be happy with what you have been given. If you're not happy now, who is to say you'll be happy with bigger eyes or whatever?

    For the lenses themselves, since they aren't permament by any means, they really are something someone might try. The fact that you're trying to alter your appearance bears the same concept, but since it can be so easily changed its not as serious. I've asked girls I think are pretty to come to school and stuff like that without make-up, and when they do, I find I can hardly tell the difference.

    Really it all comes up to personal prefrences and how serious you personally think it is, but thats just my two-bits.
    Pegasi likes this.
  20. Boydeh ..

    Boydeh .. Ancient
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    Lol this is pretty weird ..
    I like the Anime look but i think this is a bit too far ..
    And i find girls with big eyes are attractive =]

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