Alright, I just downloaded GIMP, and with no experience in Graphics and Arts whatsoever, I hoped that I could make some cool art. However, it's not as simple as I thought it was... So, I know that there are tutorials, but I need some help with basic features. Questions: -How do I shrink an image without cropping it? -Is there a "grab" tool, one that allows you to move your image around? I've only just downloaded it, so I really have no clue as to what I'm doing. Help would be greatly appreciated.
Go to image-scale image, at least I know there is a scale image thing. It in one of the main menus yes, the four headed arrow thing, the move tool. It allows you to move a entire image or just a selection.
To manipulate the image size you can either: A: Manually do it by highlighting the entire image and adjusting it using the corner boxes. (Ctrl + A or go through the appropriate menus to highlight) (I believe if you hold shift it will constrain the proportions.) B: Find the menu with "Image size" in it, (I think it's the "image" drop down, I could be wrong, I haven't used GIMP in like two years.) Once there type the size of the image you want it to be.
your new to gimp and i made 2 beginner tutorials for gimp.... make sure you watch HD ..... XD video 1 is basically saying how to download gimp and how to download and install fonts . video 2 is showing you how to do clip masking and text reflecting maybe these might help were your just beginning.. YouTube- GIMP 2.6.6 - tutorial part 1 YouTube- GIMP 2.6.6 - tutorial part 2