GieBerei der Untoten [Foundry of the Undead]

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by a0puncfan, Apr 1, 2011.

  1. a0puncfan

    a0puncfan Forerunner

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    Gieberei der Untoten
    (Foundry of the Undead)

    The story thus far...


    Dempsey: Ugh.. I feel like I'm gonna throw up...
    Nikolai: Oh shut up you lightweight! We made it! It is time for celebration! Who wants a drink?!
    Richtofen: Shut up! We might not be out of this all yet! Listen!
    Takeo: Oh no...
    Nikolai: Damn! I was about to drink...
    Dempsey: God damn it! Where the hell are we?
    Richtofen: It looks like an old German foundry...
    Takeo: So we have not yet escaped?
    Richtofen: Correct... This place looks terrible...
    Dempsey: We need guns. NOW!
    Nikolai: Now that is something I can agree with, American!


    Gentlemen... Welcome to hell.
    YouTube - Halo Reach Forge - GieBerei der Untoten [Foundry of the Undead] (Forge World)

    This is a small Call of Duty inspired zombie map, the Foundry of the Undead. A small building that was put through the ringer during world war II. Half destroyed and left in ruins, the bombings caused ceilings to collapse, and hallways to cave in. The zombies are coming... Try to survive.

    Quick note:
    Humans cannot jump. This is for balancing issues, so please do not complain too much.
    Zombies can barely jump, this is so they can actually get inside the map- through the windows.
    And lastly, humans take two hits to kill. Whoever complains about that is a noob. So don't.

    Human spawn:


    Entry point 1:

    Entry point 2:

    Entry point 3:

    Upstairs (Continued):

    Stairs leading to first floor:


    Downstairs (Continued):

    The almighty mystery box:

    How to use the mystery box:
    Step one, SHOOT the button to the right of the box.
    Step two, hold the swap weapon button (could be X or RB) while looking into the box.
    Step three, Enjoy your new weapon! (Note: first time will always give you a DMR)

    Window to the far right of the mystery box:

    Lift leading to first floor:

    To the right of the lift:

    DMR between the walls, entry point for zombies behind it:

    Stairs leading back up:

    Second view of stairs, more entry points for zombies:

    Slightly collapsed hallway, another entry point:

    Room after said hallway:

    Hallway leading back to human spawns:

    Other side, a shotgun lies:

    Zombie spawns:

    One side leads to an entry point:

    The other leads to the teleporter hub:

    Each teleporter goes to a different place:


    #1 goes here (Human spawn first room):

    And here (Also human spawn first room):

    #2 goes here (Downstairs by first set of stairs):

    #3 goes here (Upstairs small room by human spawns):

    And here (Downstairs by DMR spawn location):

    #4 Goes by the second set of stairs:


    And finally, #5 goes here (Downstairs, right of the mystery box):

    Hope you all enjoy the map :D
    I'm open to constructive critisizm, but no trolling please.

    Map: : Halo Reach : File Details
    Gametype: : Halo Reach : File Details
    #1 a0puncfan, Apr 1, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2011
  2. Equin0x

    Equin0x Forerunner

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    This map looks absolutely astounding, however I find it may be too hard for zombies due to the weapons coming out of the box, I suppose you cant fix that, though.
    The aesthetics are beast and the zombie system is sound, excellent job, youve won my DL.
  3. Talons013

    Talons013 Forerunner

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    I can legitly see myself playing something like this in black ops. I miss the old days of WaW Nacht de Untoten (excuse my german spelling) where it was small but so much more panic happened *sighs* Oh well thats not what this is about. Its about Halo...

    The map does look good and ballenced, Zombies spawning is organized but might be confusing. Romen numeral system/tally marks above the teleporters and above the window from zombies point of view might help. I love the way you did the ?box. Congrats on that. Is there any other weapons on the map though? One DMR and a random isn't going to be satisfactory
    #3 Talons013, Apr 1, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2011
  4. Insanmiac

    Insanmiac Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm not 100%, but I am pretty sure foundry in German is Gießerei. I know that the letter ß isn't available unless you switch the console's language, but you could at least spell it Giesserei, as ß in German correlates with a double "s" sound in English. The english letter B does not correlate with ß (even though it looks so similar). I know you tried to compensate by putting a capital B, but I know people won't read it right. Don't mean to be a language ****, it just that the misspelling bothered me. (No hard feelings, eh?) The map however looks pretty good and detailed, and I'll give it a try. Definitely reminds me of WaW. Like Talons said, how many weapons are there? Is it only the DMR and the Random Box, or is there other options? BTW, are the rocks supposed to be rubble or something? Anyway, it is good to see another good forger in this ocean of bad maps :D

    Edited by merge:

    Just got done playing some rounds on this map, and I got to say, it is pretty good, and I enjoyed it. It seemed fairly small though (two, fairly open floors with two sets of stairs), which is understandable since there is a limited budget. Some sort of way to tell where the teleporters go could be nice, but you don't have to if the budget doesn't permit. All in all a decent map, but kinda small.
    #4 Insanmiac, Apr 2, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2011
  5. Nickwalker12

    Nickwalker12 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks like a great map to play. My only complaint is that you cant shoot the zombies while they attempt to break down the barriers. If you flip them 180* the curve will be at the bottom, allowing a gap where humans can kill them.

    Other than that, brilliant map and concept!
  6. xfuzzlex

    xfuzzlex Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    you are right, its "Gießerei" in German. "ss" is also possible on the internet since most countries dont have the letter "ß" on their keyboard
  7. SickBow

    SickBow Forerunner

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    I believe your striving too much to make the map like a cod zombie map. this is halo my friend, make some original material here. other than that the maps made pretty well. just take my first words into consideration please.
  8. That Scorch Guy

    That Scorch Guy Forerunner

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    Gieβerei der Untoten is an infection map styled after the popular survival game mode featured in Call of Duty. While the map does as good a job possible replicating the feel and gameplay in Halo, the map is not as enjoyable as the game mode from which it is based after. Players will find the feel of the map to be authentic and zombies may enjoy stopping humans from and locating the mystery box and other weapons around the map. From a human perspective, the game does play similarly to that in Call of Duty.

    Humans may have just as entertaining a job attempting to survive, obtaining random weapons from the mystery box, and stopping zombies from entering the foundry, however the zombies do not have as entertaining a time. The original mode had zombies controlled by the game for good reason. The zombies’ job is boring, repetitive, and frustrating.

    The fact that zombies are killed by a single headshot is frustrating for any zombie player, and is amplified by the fact that all human players start out with a precision weapon.

    The Portable Shield pieces that hold back the zombies have been known to be difficult to work with and can glitch. This can cause zombies to sit and hack away at one of these for a long time, only to be stopped by a single bullet when the task is completed.

    Any zombie that is fortunate enough to so much as touch a human will find that it takes two consecutive hits to down a human; a near impossible feat if the humans stick together and are competent enough to get headshots. This can become very frustrating for the zombies.

    Due to the zombies’ weak nature, the game turns from a zombie survival into a zombie hunt since players naturally grow tired of continuously dying. Even the job of a human, which can be entertaining, also becomes repetitive at times especially near the beginning of a round.

    This frustration stems from the original game in Call of Duty, as the zombie job is controlled by the game which does not grow tired of dying or become frustrated. The different pathways are fun to explore and certain highlights such as the mystery box do provide enjoyment for humans, but these features alone do not make the game fantastic. The map itself provides a great stage for gameplay, but the gametype does not compliment the map very well and is the source of most of the frustration.



    Balance between the survivors and zombies is near nonexistent. Zombies can have a very difficult time entering the map from the hub. A zombie that is fortunate enough to find a human, even in close range, will almost always be killed before the human can become infected. The only real tactics that zombies can use effectively are simple rushes in high numbers or bet on the slim chance that the zombie player can assassinate a human.

    The use of numbers is limited especially at the start, and due to the imbalance only a couple of humans will be infected.

    Most of the balance issues stem from the gametype; the map itself has no real camping spot that is too effective if the gametype were to be modified. Additional health or any buff for the zombies would greatly improve the map balance, as the current balance is horribly skewed in the humans' favor.

    Zombies will be slaughtered over and over while humans collect more ammunition and power weapons from the map’s mystery box. Humans have complete dominance over the zombies in every way, from weapon advantage, to starting numbers, to health.



    Gieβerei is an inescapable map due to the fact that it is fully enclosed, with no spot that humans can reach to stay safe without threat of zombies. No frame rate problems occur on map, and spawning errors only occur if the map is played with more players than the map is intended for.

    The mystery box on the map occasionally has issues, either exploding and not dropping a weapon or more often than not sending more than one weapon out at a time. The device itself works properly most of the time if it is shot, as it is intended to be. Aside from this flaw, the map is unbreakable.



    Gieβerei provides great aesthetics and accomplishes its theme quite well. The map does a good job of providing the feel of a foundry that has been abandoned, as intended. The FX does not really interfere with gameplay and is appropriate for the infection games that are played.

    No area looks unclean, and the aesthetics do not interfere with gameplay at all. The map looks great and different parts of the map are easily distinguishable. For example, the main room has significant aesthetic differences from the upper walkway. Players can easily identify where they are on the map at all times. Gieβerei feels like it could easily be a foundry attacked by zombies due to the great job done with the aesthetics.



    Gieβerei is a zombie map styled after the similar mode in Call of Duty, and it does not stand alone in this category. Many people have attempted to make maps in this style, making this map a little less unique.

    The mystery box in Gieβerei is unique from other attempts and offers a nice addition to gameplay. Unfortunately, this alone cannot set it far apart from other zombie maps in the same style.



    Rating Multipliers

    Enjoyment: 2.0x3.0 = 6/30
    Balance: 1.0x3.0 = 3/30
    Durability: 8.0x1.5 = 12/15
    Aesthetics: 8.0x1.5 = 12/15
    Originality: 4.0x1.0 = 4/10

    TOTAL SCORE = 37/100



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