Does the tv get ESPN? What about HD quality? Okay serious now, this map is awsome. It is very creative. Now I would like to see an xbox 360 sitting next to it.
What the -blam!- did I get -rep for spamming for? Does anyone see any message that looks like spam? NO! Ok spam is when you type single words or things like: bjahbvahjb. All of my posts here are longer than 5 sentences, so IT IS NOT SPAM!!! If you could see who gave you rep I would -blam!- that -blam!- You're lucky there is a curse-filter. And yes, I am VERY ANGRY.
Well I added other stuff so you can do some other stuff than just looking at the TV. Kinda boring without a vehicle or a sniper, huh?
What really is the point of this map. I mean do you just gof around. I f so you did a good job.3/5 Foundry Lovers:Foundry Designer
wowww, lol this is an aesthetics map so no DL though but it is pretty cool kudos . 3/5 for aesthetics