Ghosts on Onyx

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by caniblcake, Oct 9, 2010.

  1. caniblcake

    caniblcake Ancient

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    [​IMG]During the events of Ghosts of Onyx, a Spartan III fireteam had been on a secondary training course on a small island. After finishing the training, they were told to wait in a cave while transport came.

    Transport never came. The Onyx sentinels had come out from a recently discovered hole in the mountain overlooking the entire island. They had shot down the pelican before it was even close to the island. It had crashed into the ocean.

    Now, there was just the spartans, on their own. There was only two sentinels on the island, but they were efficient. If you were seen, they could kill you almost instantly. Not only this, but the sentinels were slowly rising in number.

    They had 3 minutes to distract the sentinels and stay alive while another transport came to pick them up. This would be a difficult challenge.

    Ghosts on Onyx is an infection gametype with a different style- the humans have to hide from the zombies using their 'poor' camo, while the zombies (sentinels) have to fly within 25 meters of them vertically to see them on their radar, then destroy them. The sentinels can be killed, but this is difficult without teamwork- if the humans stay together, they can be killed easily. If they spread out, they are vulnerable.

    A simple image of me running towards a building.

    Me, running from a sentinel which is trying to kill me. If you're seen, your only chances are to
    A) get close and smack your pursuer in the face, if possible- sentinels have no melee damage, but humans have increased melee damage.
    B) RUN LIKE HELL. If you can move fast enough, and through the caves and buildings, it is possible for the sentinels to lose track of you.

    The same sentinel that was shooting me in the previous screenshot.

    It is possible to kill sentinels, but it is relatively dangerous- if you don't kill them fast enough, they'll kill you instead.

    Me, as a sentinel at the beginning of the next round.

  2. xWRTxSuPrEmEz

    xWRTxSuPrEmEz Ancient

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    i aint dl yet but can u post up more screenshot of what the map looks like not just action shots plz.
  3. Bloody fox

    Bloody fox Forerunner

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    i agree. gametype is creative but u need more pics of the map

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