Why doesn't someone try to replicate the glitch? Someone said it might be caused by throwing a grenade and going into moniter mode, then the nade would be thrown when you boosted. I would but 360 is being repaired.
sereously, why hasn't anyone tried it yet? well i'll try it when i get on my xbox later and get back to you guys unless someone else does first.
ok so i'm back and i did try this. you can throw a grenade and go into moniter mode real fast and it won't throw a grenade at the monent. and it won't throw by boosting, the only way it will throw is by going human again, and even then it throws from your current location. not where you originally charged up the grenade. so i'm not sure how he would've done that. and about what someone said earlier, when your in the theater and you hold back it shows the players that were in the game of the video you are playing. to show who is in the theater it puts a little mic sign by their name. or if they weren't in the game it won't show them in there at all.
did u not read what I said, he is showing the people in the movie, not the game which is probably him and another person. Another person probably did the monitor glitch and flew away before it went off...I think this is a flawless conclusion?
no, i read what you said. when you are in the theater it does not show who is in the theater. the list of people is a list of who was in the actual game. trust me. go try it and you'll see. anyway, he wouldn't be able to fly off that fast. the video shows the grenade come from nowhere. i'm not saying i beleive it i'm just saying there was no one else in that game. sereously, go try playing a game and then watching it in the theater, its a list of the people who were in the game, NOT in the theater with you.
I concur. I think the best explanation so far is that he almost threw the nade, changed into monitor, and then the game eventually "let go" of the grenade where he was when he changed. But I don't think that's the case. If so, the guy would probably remember being over there and throwing that grenade, but his text in the video sounds like he is genuinely confused. Either that or he's got me fooled. My other guess would be that there was some glitch or hiccup in the game and spawned an active grenade. Whatever the case I think it's an awesome video and I would have pooped my pants if it happened to me.
yay I have teh most reasonable explanation! I would like to see the saved film of that game, not just the video. That would be the foolproof way to solve this mystery.
yeah he would've remembered being over there so i doubt he caused that grenade to come, unless he is fooling us and and for that i give him props, cause i mean look at this, we are all scrambling to find out how it happened. lol.
ok now i spend alot of time in foundry, and every once in awhile while im forging, ill see a shadow go across the window panels that are on the wall...it creeps me out everytime i see it!
the film says that he had been in forge for something like 55 minutes. My guess is that he was over in that area at some point during that time.
even if he was and he did the grenade moniter trick the grenade would've come from him, not the area where he originally did the trick. i've tried it and every time that is the way it works.
Ive had similar stuff happen to me...i was playing on forge alone and a floating grav lift came out of noowhere...I blame moderators :squirrel_shiftyeyes:
Once in Foundry I was building a map and a Frag blew up right where I was working! I placed a box and backed up to take a look then BOOM! It scared the crap out of me. I tried to see who joined but I was alone. Creepy. I blame Bungie for shiping broken game.
I heard on some website that Bungie has a secret way of joining people's parties without them knowing.. like they are invisible... and the site was talking about these same strange phenomena... It is probably the bungie ghosts, sneaking around in our forge games and messing with us...
Come on you guys. I can't believe this topic has reached 3 pages. This is just a hoax, give it up. Jayn0 - Here's the link.
Why one Earth would they want to do that? Really, if I picked a random player and joined their Forge session, there's a 95% chance that I'd see a pile of garbage not fit to call a map. The people at Bungie have much better things to do than spy on the community. Don't believe everything you read on the internet. ....but maybe I'm just a Bungie spy sent to throw you off track. Actually I am, and I've seen your recent Forge creations and they are nowhere cool as my own.