While browsing the Bungie forums I saw this thread on the side in the new forums layouts (apparently the thread is from a long time ago, like November). It seems to talk about people spotting ghosts (Guardians?) in Forge. Personally, the only thing I have noticed is the sound on Epitaph every once in a while of a person going up the grav lift even when I am the only one in Forge, and it is starting to creep me out, so I am going to stick to matchmaking where I am safe from these things... hopefully. Anyone else have anything to add? Have anyone of you experienced any of this? (I figured I would ask this here because most of you probably spend a lot of time in Forge) Bungie.net thread: HERE P.S. I bet Bungie is laughing quite hard about this....
this has happened to me before, me and my friend were making a map on the center of Epithah and we heard the Grav lift, it turnes out 3rd controller was plugged in and a Guardian was sitting behind us playing. They actually are smoking hot chicks. But seriously yes, this has happened to me in the same situation.
I saw that too. :squirrel_wtf: When I first saw this thread I thought it meant the vehicles the Ghosts.
its happened a few times with me i was playing forge and a box just flew out of nowhere and killed me \creepy/
Ive seen things like elites with poor camo, something like a transparent elite just walking across the ground for some reason. But only for a split second. I never bothered to take a video or anything, because i wanted to wait 40 years for bungie to make a public announcement about them.
I found a youtube video of it here. I am sorry if this is spam I just thought I would ask here if it was true or false because you people are experienced with Forge.
I think that the logical explanation to grenades in Forge is people pressing LT and ^ at the same time, resulting in the Spartan avatar priming a grenade. Some glitch causes it to go off eventually where the change happened. Just a theory, but I think that if you watched the entire saved film from that area, you would see a change followed immediately by a zooming monitor.
So I was right it is fake...This could have easily been thrown by someone else, although I do not know where he ran, or it could have been this guy with the LT thing. The other point I would like to make, HE IS SHOWING A VIDEO and when you hit back button it shows the people in the FILM not the game and his flaw, he zooms in when it says Players (FILM). I vote fake
Er, not to be 'that guy' or anything, but this should be moved to Halo Discussion. Or locked. It's up to you, mods.
i think bungie is watching certain games to get new ideas, and they accidentally hit buttons...that makes sense to me
haha that video was pretty crazy. not sure if i believe it or not but still, crazy. and the sound on epitaph, i've heard it too, like 5 times but i think its just part of the map too add effect, its more like a humming that the grav lift. they sound really different.
No, when you watch a film it shows the players list, but only those in there with you have mic icons. Or at least that's always what happens with me in films.
That video would be the perfect place for a screamer. I was expecting it the first time I saw it, I muted the video and got ready for a screaming whatever to pop up. It didn't happen which is good, but I was braced for this the whole time so it was rather disappointing, lol.