I've done it on sandbox before but now I can't find an object that will move them when they're dummied. anyone know how? Note that this is on Orbital.
I tried it on longshore, I believe the up x method works, but don't hold me to that. See if it despawns at all, at the time I was trying to find new methods to ghostmerge items such as objectives, I went onto shield doors at the time, so it's possible I was testing for a method and couldn't find one. As I said, test it out and be sure to get back to me in the thread because I will try remember what I did if not.
ok we found a solution to get around this already on orbital we have two spawn in midair and dummy them from there. one of them falls into the pit and then you can ghost merge the other when the other one dissapears. yay! too bad master debayter sucks at catching shield doors..
If you do do the up + A, prop it on a box, delete the box so the shield door is floating, up + A method, and simply fly through it. It'll fall if you dummied it correctly. However, I personally suggest up + x. Take out all the hassle.
I've always done dummying by pressing A+ Up really fast ....how do you do this Up+ X version? and is it loads easier?