ghostly tremors made by i2 ninja 4u and d4rkdemon reccomended 2-4 players (no more then 4) this map features one 180 degree banked turns, 4 jumps , 2 rhythm sections and a working point system NO mongooses YES ghosts overview [/URL] starting grid and first jump [/URL] first jump landing and 1st rhythm section [/URL] 90 degree banked turn [/URL] end of second rhythm section and start of hill [/URL] end of hill and jump [/URL] turn and drop [/URL] land [/URL] final junp and finish [/URL] map : Halo 3 File Details gametype : Halo 3 File Details (you can use any racetracks varient)
Whoa I've never seen a ghost race map before i'll dl and rate later. It looks good except I suggest adding railings
it looks nice...its unique too...maybe a little smoothing out wouldnt hurt but other than that good map...8.5/10
Sweet, I've been waiting for a ghost racetrack, they're able to do so many things differently than a mongoose and they allow a huge amount of flexibility when building racetracks, especially when it comes to jumps. I would make everyone invinicble though, you tzke a lot of damage when some rams into you.
When I played on this I found that one of your walls was set to not place at start. I also found that some of the jumps were a little hard to land. You should make a v2 with revised jumps and the wall that didn't respawn at start. I'll give it a 3/5
i2 ninja 4u here, Emmm... Thanks for the contructive critism. The first wall that doesn't spawn is my idea of a non-cheat mecanisham it kinda works.This is also my first map to be posted on here, and as i don't see to many of thease types of race maps using ghosts i'd see done a pretty good job for first timers! version II is currently under construction. Expect more banks more tremors and more ghosts!
Nice map Ninja and d4rk, hope in "v2" you make this better, like how you used the ghosts boost to your advantage, and this is the first racetrack I've seen with ghosts, nice knowing you two and keep it up 4.5/5
yeah we found out that when we were testing you can see a few minor bumps but if you ride alog in a ghost you dont feel a thing anyway thanks for the constructive critisisim and any suggestons for v2
Nice. I never saw a decent looking ghost racing map before. (Though I'm sure they're out there.) Looks nice. I'll have to try it out.
nice, it reminds me of valley fear but with more unique obstacles. the only thing that i would seggest changing is the size. it could definately be a bit bigger and add some more jumps to make it fun, experiment with the ghost to see how far it can go off certain jumps and add challenging jumps to it. the forging is ok and the idea is good 4/5
V2 is now available! Follow link:
You could have just edited the original post. But nooo. You had to bump the thread. Anyways, this map, in my opinion, could be done better. The bank turns are pretty messy, and all the ramps/jumps are too sudden. Fix those. 1.5/5