I like it. The c4d's on the right are nicely done. The border is awesome how it's not just one color. And the ghost stands out a lot. There's not much depth but there's a little there. And the text is very well done. Very nice sig Mace. A lot better than your previous, pop-out one.
The colors are interesting. Very desaturated gray too bright gravity lift blue and purple. I didn't notice the text for like ten seconds which isn't good. Your render might need to be a little more recognizable too. I can't tell if it is a spartan or an elite. overall it is pretty decent but it needs a few changes.
Mace, people don't have to be G&A experts to have an artistic eye, so quit being a **** and just listen to them. As for the sig, it's better than your other more recent work, especially the text, but it lacks depth and the text is placed poorly.
Mace.... You're such a hypocrite. You ask for CnC then tell everyone giving it that they are wrong. Anyways the right has a nice texture but it's kinda boring. The border is good and I really like the contrast with the blue and magenta. The textures throughout are nice though. Well done. To everyone else that is commenting so far.... It's called a CnC thread for a reason. If Mace wants to be a **** then let him and stop replying. Seriously not cool guys.
Thanks. As stated above, its a problem with forgegod. Anger just spread through my posts onto ace, whos my freind. Sorreh for teh trubs, mate.
Completely skipping over the argument above me, I like the render placement and the way you used it to bring attention to the ghost not to the thing riding the ghost. Anyway, the render isn't very well blended with the bg at all. The text is ok, very well hidden(Maybe too much) but sometimes it stands out to much. The border should be thinner and not effected by the brushing in the bg...
Just a heads up if I see any more arguing in this thread it will be locked and infractions will be handed out, bring your bickering elsewhere. All post arguing posts have been deleted consider this your only warning.