Don't say just made. It will confuse people. No flow, too bright, and missing placement. All in all, it's horrible, but you're getting there.
I'm no graphics expert so I can't give much input, but Frag, you don't have to be so demeaning. Instead of insulting his work, give him a few pointers to help him achieve his next step in graphic arts. I don't want to sound like a tyrant, but give Quagmire a break. Anyway, I like how you used the monotone colors (just the black, white, and blue) to illustrate the whole signature. Like Frag said, try and work on the flow a bit. Mess around with some effects to get the eyes right to the focal point. Keep it up!
Blurry effects / bad BG, bad text blending and color could be improved. The render itself is pretty crappy and just because it has similar colors does not make it blend well.