You showed me this when you were what 1/3 the way done? It did not remind me of Ghost town at that point, but now that you've got the geometry all done I have a few reference points to orientate myself to the map and damn. It looks mint. Can't wait for the nostalgia moment when you test it if I am there.
That looks a lot more true to the original than mine does, and it does look very good. I'm really looking forward to being able to play this since Ghost Town was one of my favorite maps in Halo 3.
I am also wondering about the placement of weapons/powerups. I'd prefer to see as close to original as possible... aka powerups instead of AAs and Plasma Rifles instead of Repeaters, and Concussion rifles for Bruteshots. (Grenade launcher is awesome, but nothing like it.)
Yeah I want to keep it as close as possible to the original. My plan now is to leave in the camo and overshield where they were but to leave the equipment locations empty. Assuming you play with AA loadouts they probably won't be missed. I was going to put in concussion rifles for the brute shots but give them 1 clip instead of 2 because they hit so much harder. And yeah, Repeater for the plasma rife. There's a jump or two that didn't translate well but I think if you use the classic gametypes Bungie is getting ready for matchmaking they will feel alright. There's a long list of things that aren't quite accurate, which is largely unavoidable. I can work on fixing some, but not all. If anyone wants to take a look and let me know which flaws bug you more than the rest, I'll know what to focus on. Personally my main gripe right now is that all the heights are a bit too low, even for a Reach translation.
I would MAYBE consider leaving dropshield where the bubble shield used to be. It changed a lot of traffic, and was good for defense games. additionally, dropshield isn't a commonly used loadout anymore. I'm curious as to how you did the center room with the broken in floor. It was the major problem I had while building.
Here's some views without the roof. It's a bit too small at the moment, hopefully I can pull it into proportion. : Halo Reach : File Details : Halo Reach : File Details : Halo Reach : File Details It's hard to tell but the little hiding spot behind the crashed floor is still back there.