great map! one thing that should change is the armory type thingy.... i generaly discourage them as they tend to mess you up when ur trying to get a specific weapon and it also takes away the fun of things like the "rocket rush" on the pit
looks pretty good .. It is me or do you get a banshee and fly in? If so thats pretty cool! And the inside looks very neat! Good job!
↑ I love your signature. Anyway, looks like a pretty original ship. Too many people have made recreation ships from star wars and Halo. I'm not saying they're all bad ideas but it's nice to see a different ship. 4.5/5. I wish you could give half stars though.
wow defantly one of the better ships of Fh lloooks great like others said no armory its one of many classic misTAKES but other than that great make 4/5 -1 for armory looks good GJ dl for me
It would be more of a ghost ship if you put EVERY part of the ship to place at start no and to like 20 sec respawn time, and for the weapons, 30 sec in case they all fall out of the ship. That would make it a real ghost ship.
This is an okay ship, there are a lot of this type of map on the forums so the idea doesn't really stand out in originality. As others have said, interlocking could make this map better and make it look more like one piece rather than a bunch of boxes formed in the shape of a ship. The main tank-turrets also look a little awkward, there are two scorpions and a wraith which just don't look right together on the same structure(wraith = covenant, scorpion = human). They also don't match the rainbow boxes. And since this is in aesthetic maps, i wouldn't worry about the actual playability too much. My other suggestion is to put the black and white filter on to make all the boxes the same color so they blend. This could also make the tank turrets blend in color with the ship a bit. Avalanche makes it tough to look things pretty when the boxes are all different colors. Overall, interlocking and a b&w filter will make this map a lot better. It's not bad, keep forging.
incredible ship also i hurd you say you ran outs money so just a tip use the money glitch avaanche it helps
i like it. there isnt alot of space to move around and and a little too many vehicles but still its asetics not slayer. nice looking though.