By now we all must have heard of ghost merging, (if not go here) Anyway I have found a slight glitch with this technique. I have noticed that occasionally some objects that have been geomerged or interlocked using ghost merging can dissapear if you look at them from certain angles. I never thought much of this when it first happened but i tested it out in custom games and it was happening there to. you can still stand on these items just not see them. I know this technique has only just been discovered so it will have glitches, but I was just wondering if this has happened to anyone else.
This could be used to our advantage. From your experiences, is it possible we could create an invisible barrier? Or it the angle too small for it to be accomplished?
well actually the items that I had placed down could only been seen from a very small angle when you were standing on them they would be invisible even though you could walk on them
This is really cool, and should be mentioned, and discussed... the thread created just for that. CLick on your own link, go to page 18, then post your response there. Since that thread was made to advance and refine this glitch, maybe some intellegent individual will discover a way to make objects invisible (wouldn't put it past anyone, not this week.) I am totally serious.
I'll post it over there now so everyone, I wasnt sure if I should have started a new thread or not anyhoo's requesting :lock: on this thread