Ghost merging with oln objects

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Short Bizzle, Feb 22, 2010.

  1. Short Bizzle

    Short Bizzle Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The Preface:
    This technique is used as another way to pre-brace objects before ghost merging. This can only be done with the OLN objects and is especially helpful if you already know what you're building.

    The reasons for doing this are:
    -Using OLN objects increase the number objects you can put on a map.
    -It is more accurate than traditional pre-bracing because you don't get that minor twitch when you get the no-clip object.
    -You can optimize the distance the object is away from you for better angles when merging.

    (I will explain how each of these come in to play as they arise)

    The Tutorial:
    This is a simple structure that I built for this tutorial.

    Thanks to Nondual for Rendering this video for me!
    This video begins after step 3

    The Process:
    1) Open the canvas map in forge. I use the GMC Sandbox UBG (Ghost merge canvas Sandbox Ultimate Budget Glitch)

    2) Pre-brace all the OLN objects you need to make your structure as they will be oriented in the final structure.

    3) Save and quit. Then reopen the map.

    4) Start a new round to make the no/never objects disappear.

    5)Ghost merge as you normally would. Up+A on the original objects then move them from their spawns. Make sure the run-time minimum is set to zero.

    6) This is the best part. Set the object to the exact distance you want it before you force spawn the no-clip object.
    (it does not matter if it is straight at this point. You just want the object to be the
    optimal distance away for your merging needs.)

    6) When you force spawn the no-clip object it will come in exactly as you had it pre-braced when you loaded the map at the exact distance you need it!

    7) Now just place your OLN object right where you need it!

    8) You need to start a new round because after 30 sec the ghost merged OLN object will go back to its original spawn.

    9) Repeat from step three till you structure is complete.

    Additional Tips:

    Another nice perk of this technique, you can mess up and move the OLN object before you dummy it correctly, and it will still be in the pre-braced orientation that you had it when you first loaded the map. (This typically will happen when using the Up+A method, and you accidentally pick up the object instead of dummying it.)
    - I moved the wedge corner, on the right, from its orientation that it was in after reloading the map.
    - Then dummied it as normal to prove that it will revert to the pre-braced orientation once you force spawn the no-clip object.

    This is faster than pre-bracing. To build this structure from start to finish took less than 9 minutes. The time you save increases with the amount of OLN objects needed to complete your structure.

    Feel free to make any comments or ask any questions.

    Short Bizzle

    #1 Short Bizzle, Feb 22, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2010
  2. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hmm, slight variation to the original method but it seems to work excellent. This could help me as when I was using an OLN canvas, the ghost-ed(?) OLN objects appeared at the angle that start at before you touch it.
    Anyway, good tutorial. Thanks.
  3. Nondual

    Nondual Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Truly you are a hero, not only to us, but to all Halo players everywhere! Also, I have some render minutes that I would like to donate.
  4. Short Bizzle

    Short Bizzle Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks Nondual for those render minutes! Now you are mai hero!! Video UPDATED!!
  5. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Good guide, but, I'm still going to be sticking to my prebracing, I don't know of this "slight twitch" you speak of, maybe I do it differently than you. Regardless, I'm sure this guide will help many. :)
  6. Short Bizzle

    Short Bizzle Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well this is the way you use to prebrace OLN objects. It's not by any means a replacement to your prebracing.

    That "little twitch" happens after holding the object for about 30sec. This time lines up with the amount of time it takes for the never object to disappear. 95% of the time this doesn't correspond exactly, but every once in a while the twitch will happen simultaneously with your ghosted object appearing making it that little bit off.

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