Ghost merging conspiracy...

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by B3NW, Feb 7, 2010.

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  1. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
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    Again though, does it really matter? 5 years from now, will it matter?
  2. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Some evidence from a coloured member.

    Believe it if you wish. I removed the names of the staff member and the coloured member in the message to be fair to them in case it is bullshit. BTW, underlined the interesting part.

    I'm gonna talk with my friend about the other piece of evidence but I can tell you it is from the Hub Pub and basicly it talks about a glitch very similar to ghost merging being discovered, or along them lines, I can't remember word for word so that's why I'm gonna get a statement from him ;p

    Please stay out the discussion if you have nothing more to add than, "Does it matter". The truth tough is, no it doesn't but does anything nowadays? The forum's been dead lately anyway, just getting a conversation going.

    Close the thread if you find it annoying. I find many people annoying, some of your 'qualities' I find annoying but I don't go complaining and if I do I don't do it to your face :) If I posted the evidence and you infracted or banned me, you would have had a repeat case of that permanent infraction situation. As for the repeating of the request for a mod/admin to share some light on the predicament, that was one, to get a mod/admin to actually help and two to keep the thread alive for the sole reason to catch peoples attention to give some evidence or just share their thoughts. If you have any other problems directly about what you think of me then be kind enough to PM me about it instead of sharing it with the world :/
    #62 B3NW, Feb 9, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2010
  3. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    I like how you actually believed me
  4. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    Everyone who believes in this conspiracy theory is more ****ing banana crazy than people that think Michael Jackson isn't really dead.

    Pardon my ****ing French, but **** has been getting real looney tunes up in here.
  5. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    I choose to believe in conspiracy because most of the time, false or not, they are fun logical problems that are proven or refuted through various methods of testimony and/or concrete evidence, and they put a new spin on things that would otherwise be boring.
    Life is no fun thinking things happen the way you're told they happen.
  6. Fritzster

    Fritzster Silly Goose
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    If anyone did any bit of research in the official ghost merging thread you'd find more than a few forgers outcry to have claimed the knowledge of ghost merging months before the original three discoverers. These same forgers who claimed to have withheld the most vital information for months also said it "was not fair" for the three forgers to get credit who made ghost merging public for everyone - Thus, everlastingly contradicting them for having any further opinion on ghost merging.

    There's a possible lead to this conspiracy theory. So why hasn't spot light shifted? And it probably won’t. As far as I can tell most involved in this conspiracy theory have done nothing but talk hot air and wait for a color-titled member to have an opinion to criticize.
  7. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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  8. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Pessonally i didnt believe you due to the evidence given looked total bullshit, would you like to read out that reply i sent you for the class?

    Editting this post later btw...
  9. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    I'd just like to say, you must be pretty ****ing high on some good **** right now. What the hell are you thinking? That if you expose 'the truth' you would get a shiny colored name? Why do you even care if this mysterious group of forgers found out ghost merging before it was released to the community? It doesn't change the fact that these forgers are talented, it still takes talent to lay down plans and blueprints for a map, it's just that the 'physical' work takes time. Ghost merging would reduce this time by making it easier. All you'll get out of this is a bad reputation and a few more people that think you're crazy.
    #69 Glasgow, Feb 10, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2010
  10. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    This is the most rediculous thread ever, even if there were people who had known about ghost merging before it's public discovery, what does it matter? Everyone knows about it now at this point in time.

    I can't believe this is really a debate..
  11. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    People conspire that almost every celebrity that dies didn't really die because they can't man up and face the fact that they're dead so that have to keep trying to make it seem like they didn't because they are celebrities and have enough money to fake their death or some wacko bullshit like that.

    Tupac is no different.
  12. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Being a member of the Hub Pub, I will happily go on record to say that no discussions went on in there regarding Ghost Merging (or any variant there-of) before it was "publicly announced".

    I did however create a thread in the Hub Pub discussing two discoveries I'd made relating to Ghost Merging (Created: 09-16-2009), one of which was regarding a possible means to create a Ghost Merge canvas, but this was after Ghost Merging was already known about (Unveiled in This Thread: 09-04-2009). Perhaps that is the thread your "source" is referring to.

    It was something I kept private to the Hub Pub simply because I wasn't sure if the canvas was viable. I came to the conclusion it wasn't going to work how I would have liked and I abandoned it. Ironically, a Ghost Merge canvas has now been made and is similar in design to my own, yet somehow avoids a glitch I encountered when testing my own canvas, do'h! Had I gotten it to work I certainly wouldn't have kept it secret.

    P.S. That was the "Never/No" thing I was referring to in an earlier post; it means an object with Respawn Rate: "Never" and Start at Round: "No" and is how you create a Ghost Merge canvas.

    P.P.S lol @ Phreakie, you're mean!
    #72 buddhacrane, Feb 10, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2010
  13. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    Glad to see there are some intelligent people in this thread. Can we just let it die now that the only piece of solid evidence you had was someone just ****ing with you? You're just digging yourself a deeper hole. If you don't stop now you're just going to get pissed off and do something stupid to get infracted, then get even madder and do stuff to get yourself permabanned. So, please, for your own sake, stop this now.
  14. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
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    I leave for a day and this happens. The most I wanted to do was discuss the idea, but I guess that's not going to happen... I suppose we can't have a discussion like this without a flame war. Kind of sad, if you ask me.
  15. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Just to set things straight. Phreakie sent me a PM accusing a staff member of threatening him about ghost merging if he told anyone. I replied along the lines of asking if he was bullshit and to give me his word. People were crying in this thread in the meantime asking for some evidence. I haven't been able to talk to my other source so I just went ahead and posted it for sanity's sake. There's a certain level a premium shouldn't go over because they are trusted members of the community and that level is total **** head :) As I said, I didn't believe what he said, it sounded to good to be true but people wanted some kind of evidence from a trusted member so I gave some. The other piece of evidence I have came to me before any mention of the conspiracy to anyone. It was actually a trusted member who was talking to me about it when we were talking about how we think the staff run the site (I won't go into that but I'm sure most member's know). I have a lot of information about the Hub Pub. I cannot find the exact thread name but I will get it to you. I don't think it was your thread Buddha but it quite possibly could be and if that's the case with the thread then for lack of information this thread can be laid to rest :p

    @ Glasgow - No I'm not high. Not everyone has to be under the influence to have a mildly educated thought :) Also, no I wasn't hoping for a shiny name (technically brown isn't shiny.) because that would mean I would have to socialize with half the morons that populate that status.

    @ Noixw - As I have said to everyone else with similar comments to yours. Just stay out if you have nothing more constructive to say that OHH HEMM GEE THIS COULD BE BIGGER THAN MY MENTAL CAPACITY SO IT MUST BE STUPID!.

    @ Shaddo - At no point I was rude to you, just because I made a thread you don't agree with, doesn't mean I am unintelligent as you so kindly suggested and anyone else who supported the idea for that matter.
  16. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    A Premium is someone who gets 2 featured maps. Nothing more, nothing less. It doesn't mean they're trusted members. Also, unfortunately there's no crazy super secret stuff in the Hub Pub. It's just a forum, with nothing particularly exciting (actually for the most part I find it boring, though it does have some fun arguments now and again). Your impressions of the way we run the site are fairly funny.


    At this point I think I'd close the thread....but I'll leave it open till requested for now.

    +rep to Phreakie haha
  17. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Most of the stuff in the pub gets leaked anyway lol
  18. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    You know what, close the thread, your obviously pathetic enough to laugh at someone's "Amusing" joke. This was supposed to be a serious discussion but it looks like the staff as well as the coloured members find it okay to spam. No wonder we can't say the corrupt word here ¬.¬
  19. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    I never saw the other canvas, but B3NW has inspired me to create a GMC with Shad0w and it works fine as far as we've tested. We will be releasing later.
  20. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    It was a serious discussion until you refused to acknowledge everyone who denied your conspiracy theory, which was basically everyone. At this point, the thread turned from a serious intelligent conversation to a laughable attempt to prove something which obviously wasn't true.
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