Hey guys, just want to put this conspiracy out there and I want to hear your opinions. The method for ghost merging is extremely similar to the flying vehicle glitch, people have already mentioned they accidentaly did the glitch and thought nothing of it. It hurts me to say this, but, do you think Ghost Merging was discovered long before it's release, but were kept in the higher up of the hierarchy in forging? Thoughts? Quick summary - Do you think higher up forgers knew about Ghost Merging a long time before it's release?
No I think if anyone knew about the ghost merging glitch it would have been bungie, but I doubt even they knew
i have thought that maybe piccetta knew how to do it, his maps have "impossible" geomerging, but he was into hacking ****, so i dont know.
The best forgers out there are guys that love to share their knowledge, so I doubt it. But it's true that this is linked with the weightlessness glitch. I've been playing around with it for a while now, and you can do some crazy things with this glitch.
I was thinking about this a while ago. I didn't know other people realized it too. I don't think it was found out though. I bet a lot of people tried and tried to make something useful out of the vehicle trick, but nothing was found until recently.
Why is that? You have nothing to back yourself up in that post... Don't know who he is -.- But yes there were impossible geomerges in some maps which would make you think that is was impossible and something was tinkered with. Yes, the best forgers out there may "Like to share their knowledge" but then they wouldn't be the best forgers if the glitch got out would they? Yes, it's not just me that thinks this either. I've spoken to other forgers and even dropped then hint and they come all out with their theories about it, I'm glad I've got some backup here, I was just expecting a flash of colours attacking me because their stuck up and think I am talking about them when I say the top forgers.
It's really hard to say. When we talk about the greatest forgers, we'd be talking about guys who did extensive geo-merging before ghost merging was "found." And I'm not pointing fingers, but what about guys like Zombievillan? His maps were INCREDIBLY geo-merged, and there really isn't any proof that he geomerged these other than his word.
This is nothing but a theory, you have no evidence to back your claim up either so you cant say he has no evidence. even if there were people that knew how to do it before it was publicly discovered, it doesnt change anything, and furthermore you know now how to do it so what is it to you? they got an extra month or whatever of "fantastic forging" on a video game, it would be more productive to use ghost merging rather than theorize about "conspiracies" about it. IMO
I wouldn't dismiss the idea that it was kept a secret but any geomerge is possible theoretically. So just based on the idea that a pre ghost merge map has unbelievably smooth series of geomerges doesn't mean it was ghostmerged.
A conspiracy is a conspiracy, and like any other conspiracy, they're meant to be calmly discussed and investigated. There is no evidence on either side as of right now, but we can do our best to find evidence, if there is any. And I don't get what you mean when you say "it would be more productive to use ghost merging rather than theorize about "conspiracies" about it." By saying that, you're saying that playing a video game is more productive than discussing what could be an incredible discovery for this site. I really can't agree with anything you're saying. Of course, but by taking apart maps, it's actually pretty easy to find evidence of ghost merging. Like, how objects only sink halfway through the ground when ghost merging. I see those kinds of lazy ghost-merges all the time lately, maybe we can find that sort of evidence in old maps. Who knows. But like you say urban, any form of ghost merge is theoretically possible by geomerging.
I mean that playing a video game is more productive than talking about stuff that may or may not be true about something that happened a while ago in said video game. Obviously neither is very productive.
I thought Toxic Spade knew how to do it while he was building Castlanche but never told more than a few people about it.
I'm pretty sure at least none of the people I've ever known well knew about it. Geomerging was all about technique and care. Sir Toppum Hat had the best technique I've ever seen, coupled with smart thinking (use of basic math/geometry helps signicantly) and lots of patience. I really don't think there was any 'conspiracy', though I guess you can always speculate about anything. We all knew about the no gravity glitch, but I don't think anyone thought about using it for forging, a la ghost merge.
The world may never know... But really I don't know. I kind of doubt it because it's so hard to keep something secret these days. Like you tell 1 person something then the next day everyone knows. Honestly if you can keep a secret these days, you deserve to have it secret.
I wondered the same. He actually posted a video on Sandbox where he did it with OLN objects, but he said he didn't know how he did it. Sometimes I wonder when I look back on Castlanche. As for whether or not there was a "conspiracy", who cares? It doesn't affect anything now. Just be glad it was released when it was and continue using it in all its glory. There's no good that can come from doing "research" to try to find out if people knew. Who cares. Move on.
I still think cosmic rick kept it quiet...i still dont see how he made utah mambo without ghost merging...its perfect
now we are getting somewere... So there is suspision of foul play on featured maps. Insane dw im not witch hunting you. Also shaddo, people have had this thought as well as me, which qualifies it as a conspiracy. Stop trying to kill the discussion
It's a pointless discussion. It doesn't matter if people knew about it. Just be grateful you can use it now. I hate it when people think everything is a conspiracy.
I'm 100% sure on that one he didn't, I saw it being built. As I said above, it's a matter of patience and technique....of all maps, Utah Mambo isn't one I'd think was all that tough TBH.
I wouldn't call it a conspiracy B3NW, just something that may or may not have been kept quiet when the guy discovered it. Its not like the colored members were sitting in their subforum laughing at all us newbies who didn't know their secrets. I just know that a friend of mine who had joined a forge session with Toxic Spade was going on and on about how amazing this thing was but he couldn't remember how to do it where objects float through each other. I told him it was probably lag or he was being lied to, didn't believe a word of it till ghost merging finally came out publicly and I just kinda said "huh, guess it was true, wish he'd shown it off back then." As for Utah Mambo, Cosmic Rick did it by shoving things into the sand. Sandbox's sand is weird like that, if you press and wiggle(giggity) it'll sink in the sand nicely. A few simple braces to get things lined up and you've got some pretty geomerging on Sandbox.