Although ghostmerging makes maps easier to build, it goes at a speed similar to archaic merging for skilled forgers. Additionally the pathetic maps are still obviously pathetic despite merging. Ghosting merely makes merging at unconventional angles simpler.
Its not killing forge, though it is making maps much easier for beginners. With ghost merging good maps now rely on good layout design not how well the map looks. Ghost merging makes ALL maps have the option to look good its really up to the creator on how much time they want to put into making sure stuff lines up. For me...I've been building, building and re building maps in sketch up to try to find the perfect layout of a map that fits my wants but its giving me trouble. I know now I can make what ever I want its now just up to peoples imaginations and ultimately up to how well people can create layouts. I have a feeling the feature standards will be going up because of this though..maps will be more looked far more at gameplay rather than looks...
stfu Its worse because he probably uses it himself, and once again he doesnt account that maps are about design and functionality, not awesomeness. Yes, people are unfortunately aesthetically predisposed, but some people can still analyze a map fairly, and this has nothing to do with how good a map is. Only aesthetics.
If anything, it made it better. If you think it hurt forge, then you are just probably looking for an excuse to explain your sub par map designs.
LOL, that was funny Dream. I think its great. It has made the amount of time to make a good map, or any map for that matter, way faster. I mean, I know it takes way less skill to make and epic geomerge that nobody has seen before. Trust me, after making Ephasus the old school way, I look at it now and think man I wish we had Ghosting back then. I had so many crazy merges that took forever to do that could be done now in an hour. In the end though its an improvment and like Adyless said, which is a good thing, map features will be more based on gameplay then looks. Thats good because gameplay is really what should be important. Now you can make a good map with solid gameplay, that looks epic.
Exactly! A few months ago, I desperately wanted a good remake of Halo 2's Backwash. I wasn't good enough to make one. Then I learned how to ghost merge, and my Backwash remake is under construction and looking very sexy! : )
yeahh haha :L sub par? funny..... but really i think new ghost maps<old classics so..... it didnt hurt forge simply hurt forging pros like Mini Waz etc making good LOOKING maps I fully understand map design>looks but when all you get is pics sah stfu bout map designs if u check ive got no finished maps posted sah **** that
the more inexperienced forgers wont make amazing maps... You suck... you suck. You're good... you're good Now the more inexperienced drawers can now make amazing drawings with a better pencil...
His maps are the best Ive seen. I couldnt think of others tbh It hurt him with people being able to make similiar maps without proving themself as forgers
so now your contridicting yourself by saying you cant make a map that is post worthy? i think you have no say in the matter anymore.
ok i am an experienced forger and i love ghost merging cos it helps me to get things done faster and what not. I suddenly dont just start making amazing maps now because i learned how to ghost merge
You still don't seem to get the point. Gameplay>Aesthetics. And while I agree with you that Mini Waz was a great forger, there are others who are better than him and others who are worse. But I don't want to make this a flame war about who's the best forger... so the point is, just because you can make a good looking map, does not mean that you can make maps that play well. Mini Waz was an accomplished forger because his maps played well overall, not because they looked amazing.
No I merely said i DONT make maps that are post worthy I could in fact im making one atm i have the drawings done just waiting for some time i have said that in previous posts on this very thread
I generally agree with you, though I was never a fan of most of mini's maps. His designs were never very solid to me, but most default sandbox maps don't play well anyway.
Default sandbox meaning the main level? I definitely agree with you there. His last map, Journey's End I think it was called, was a very good map. I was glad he took his forging skills into the crypt.
incase nobodys noticed i havent said it has killed forge? lol stop shouting at me as if i have my mate gave me the idea i even voted no
haha i say we lock this spam. This guy has made like one comment defending himself, sounds like a troll to me. And, this is the most pointless thread ever, and its gonna turn into some debate about how bad some of these people are at forge. Lets avaid that with a lock!
In some cases, it may seem bad, and some good. For example, it lets maps that were not previously possible like cave maps mentioned above or mountains or anything rocky looking. On the other hand, you have to work overdrive to make your maps stand out. But then again, the n00b forgers of FH use ghost merging like 6 times in a map in random spots and have lazy forging in the rest. You just now need creativity. So it's not killing it, just dramatically changing it.