GHOST CITY created by : x12 inch winner game type required: ghostbuste 2 hello everbody ! i made this map because i enjoy the game type ghost busters but i always hated the fact that the only map that people would play it on was hide and seek town! so i decided to make anther map with similar aspects as hide and seek town and i have to say im pleased with the results. i made this map a while ago and haven't posted till now so if youve seen this map before (its on my file share so people started to download it) i was the one who made it and i have already played with people claiming they made it,and if youve ever had someone steal your maps you know how much that can piss someone off! but any way i digress. this map has a variety of weopons spread across the map to prevent camping which include. BR x2 flamethrower x1 smg x2 assault rifle x1 magnums x2 mauler x2 brute shot x1 needler x1 sniper rifle x1 Spartan laser x1 plasma grenades x2 VEHICLES warthog x2 guess warthog x1 (takes some team work to get to) heres some pics over view court yard the streets streets in front of church church entrance behind parking garage front of parking garage some action shots you can go inside all the buildings theres more to the map then i took screen shots of but im saving that for v2 which is already in the making. i have tested this map very throughly and have played on it with lots of different people and it is allot of fun to me and i hope it is to you as well. download note: this map isnt good for camping because all the bulidings have multiple entrances . also most of the buildings have more then one floor so if you want more pics just request them and i will put more up.
Wow, I know I hate ghostbusters... but that doesn't mean I haven't played it a couple of times. And I really must say that this is a worthy update and is completely better than the first ghostbusters. Not only is the crafting very decent, but the aesthetics and lighting all add to the experience. Bravo! All ghostbusters fans MUST download this.
this looks pretty good i never have played ghost busters before but it sounds like a good game. the asthetics on this map look really good i (unlike most people) am a fan of the fx you used in this map but my freinds would probably get mad due to it hurting their eyes. the buildings and fountain look great. 5/5 and a possable dl
While the map looks good and the forging is good, you failed to get a grasp of the problem with the game type. The biggest problem with Ghostbusters maps is the size. I can sit on your map, not assassinate anyone or assassinate a lot of people early on and just hide the entire end of the game ( which is common in all GB games ). While, like I said, the forging is good... you've taken the worst thing about hide and seek town and made it worse. You've given ghosts a larger area to hide in. You could boot them for just hiding, but then you lose half your party and this map size is too large for anything but very large parties. At most you want a map half the size of Foundry.
Your right when you said everybody only play it on hide and seek town, it was good at first but I just got bored of it. This map looks alot better than the original hide and seek town to me but sorry, no dl as i'll never really play it because no many of my frends have mythic dlc and im really bored of ghostbusters lol
for the most part you right and i guess i should have put a recommended party size to this map but this maps should be played with i say about a minimum of 6 players the normal size i play with is over 10 so that was never really a problem because there were so many zombies that we would snuff out the camper in no time.