I am just curious, i have seen pictures of the Flood Pure form out and about with people, and i am wondering if this is only done through hacking or is it a forge trick. just, curious, if you know how to get it out please explain it hear. thanks
Do you mean that you've seen people in the tube with the pure lifeform? Or did you ment you saw screenshots with the pure lifeform itself out of the tube?
It only works with mods.I've seen these pictures to and the people say they had a modded map to get it.But if you could do it legit ,that would be extremely awsome.
You can do this buy using the forge turret glitch. Have two players, or yourself using two controllers enter forge. One player assumes spartan mode and the other monitor. Spawn a turret and have the spartan go on it. Now pick up the turret and you will also move the spartan. Push the spartan against the glass with his back to it. That spartan control should than look up in the air and press up on d-pad to change to monitor and then back on the control stick to move into the tube. Fly up to the top of the tube and change back into spartan. Tada your in..might take a few tries though. Good luck Oh oops...scratch that..him moving around..yeah mods
You may not want to keep that on your fileshare. Bungie was pretty strict on the modded content. I've heard mixed things..so I'm not sure if it's true that you aren't allowed having it on your fileshare, or if it's only the creator that gets in crap. Just a precaution..cool pic though.
Yeah apparently its a perma-ban. Which sucks because most people who havent heard are gonna think they got banned for no reason and are gonna go whine about it.
It is a mod. I think it's called "Planet Mod" or something. I have it, and the only thing worthwhile that came of it was the fact that the modders put Invincibility powerups in the map, which were manipulatable in Forge. That kind of astounded me. However, you couldn't set Runtimes or any of that, just place at start, symmetry, and respawn time. What sucked is they never respawned, but it was cool.
in cold storage, i got into the yellow area by doing the turret trick in forge, then in theater following my character until he is in then switching to free roam, this is kinda off topic, but by saying this some of you will probubly check it out
Obviosely you can get in the flood tank with the turret gltching. Everybody on forgehub probably knows that. Those pics are moded. I don't know how I am not a haxor or a modder...