In Brute Captain's sig he has his emblem with a drop shadow on it. I tried doing that but it doesn't render itself and I'm not sure how to render. I only have Fireworks aswell.. How do I get my emblem like that so I can make a drop shadow?
Look at Brute Captain's sig. He has like his emblem and he's got a drop shadow on there. When I DL mine from its got this horrible grey border around it.
well first off i would like to add that brute captain did not make his both him and i got it from a web site here second i would like to say my suggestion is to download it and add a shadow effect around the one for your emblem and raise it up a little bit to give it a better look then pick where you want your light to come from and make the shadow (you will have to ask somebody more experienced in gimp or photo shop to help you make the shadow i am not that good) third you can go to a sig generator kind of like the armor generator but for emblems which can be found here hope this helps =D