that is ****ing hilarious... and why did you add me in the end of the bloopers? i didn't do anything... did i?
I just thought it was kinda funny how you said. "Ill just go back to Forging", and, since this is a Forging website, i really dont know to why i liked it to tell ya the truth haha.
Actually the Penguin from Batman Returns does not have a beak, he was born with flippers for hands. His parents rejected him for that reason and he was forced to live in the sewers of Gotham City. Until he decided to come up and be all like "Hai, I iz penguin" and bite news reporters' noses and foil Batman and oh yeah send his Rocket Penguin army unto Gotham City... Hm, I really got carried away then.
hahaha this was fun to make not counting the times people ****ed around way too much. but it calls for great bloopers, so i cant complain :] thanks everyone who helped
yes, you haz. yeah, i know, but his nose looked like a beak though, amiright? and the ****arounds are what made the bloopers in the first place cause they were so funny. like TxGhost's "...but not in a gay way" *sticky lands on him* "OH GOD!"
Idk, i sent out messages to a bunch of people im preeety sure i woulda sent you one too, unless i didnt see you in anyones friend list. We started doing it since Tuesday kinda. Also, i just realised, Toochie's pose looks kinda.....idk, sexy? when she says i love you
Yeah I was probably playing halo 2, I had to bring it back for a little bit. I couldn't agree more... ps. why does this thread have a crappy rating, lets try to change that.
The dramatic walk WAS dramatic....but, the way toochie recorded it made it seem like less epic. sorry
Thanks everyone! I love you all. <3 I went to get the lapband surgery, and while there no really big risks involved, it was my first surgery, and its going to help improve my life, because now ill have a band around my stomach thats going to help me loose weight, and keep it off for the rest of my life. The 21 days part at the end is how long im not allowed to eat solid foods, untill the band heals around my stomach. Thanks agian soo much guys! Video was crazy awesome!
Did you bring us any souvenirs from Mexico? How was my family? is gas cheaper over there? Is my gramma still alive? did you try the mexican flaming hot cheetos? :3
lol. see i knew i shouldnt have been in the video. ohh well i least i got to find out how my voice sounds like on live. lol. i hope i never have to talk about this again. and i told toochie that my voice would make it sound gay. why must i be cursed with a voice like homestar runner/caboose.
1. Already gave you somthing. 2. They said hi. 3. I dont know, we had our own mexcian driver. 4. Witch one? 5. No soilds.
if you stick a cheeto in your mouth it will become a liquid after prolonged sucking. and you did good caboose, you didnt sound bad at all lol
I actually thought TDF would boot me when I threw that grenade. Well, it seems it made a great moment.