I didn't think bungie had said a week. I don't really think they gave any kind of time frame besies after.
Wait a week, get the maps, then bye Halo Wars if - -People say its good -Get goods reviews -Its well priced on ebay =)
I'd get Halo Wars, i heard that you can get all or 1 of the new halo mythic DLC maps from the game. PLus, im a huge rts fan, i play almost any kind. I think this rts will be really good, When does it come out again?
Idk I've never been a fan of console RTS. It always seems to be a computer thing to me. It really depends on what the time between the Halo Wars release and the Mythic Map Pack release is. If 1-3 weeks, I'll probably wait. If it's a month+ I might consider buying Halo Wars, but that will only be after I get feedback from others, and if it get's a solid gametrailers review.
I loved the Starcraft series and don't see why anybody who plays Halo 3 wouldn't get Halo Wars, but enough of dis! It's Sandbox people! You are going to get it a week or maybe even longer before everybody else if you do it this way. Besides, what's the harm in playing a strategy game? Lol, just my opinion.
I can wait. I know I'll never play Halo Wars, that type of gaming isn't my thing in the slightest. $60 is just too much for three maps, however cool Sandbox may or may not be.
Originally I was going to wait for them, but Halo Wars looks like it could be fun, so i'm gonna go ahead and get it.
If there are good reviews, I might get the collector's edition. If there are bad reviews, I might get the collector's edition for the maps, have a little bit of fun in Halo Wars and then sell it. But we're all assuming that Mythic will come out a week after. It could be 3 months for all we know.
halo wars is not going to be half as good as halo,its not even a first person shooter,it is a rpg game but I would wait a week and get the maps
It's an RTS, not an RPG. RTS - Real Time Strategy RPG - Role Playing Game Just because HaloWars isn't a first person shooter doesn't mean that it's not going to be a good game. Personally, I think it looks great and I'll be getting it as soon as I can.
I would totally get Halo Wars. Seeing the halo universe in a whole different game genre would be a great experience. Like a Halo edition of Command and Conquer.
I'm waiting... 1. I don't have the money. 2. I don't want Halo Wars. 3. I'm not even any good at RTS's. 4. I disrespect Bungie for doing this.
Why would you disrespect Bungie for this game? They arn't even making this game. They just decided to include part of the mythic map pack. You're last one doesn't make sense at all.
I'm going one better, and buying Halo Wars on release, but regular version. I have some points saved specifically for and map packs Bungie might release, and I'm really looking ahead to the game. Also to the guy two posts above me; Bungie aren't making this game, Ensemble are. The guys that made Age of Empires, you know? This is their last game. I'd even go as far as to wager that Bungie didn't have too much say in the matter, as Microsoft own the Halo IP now, or some shenanigans.
Yeah, I just pre-ordered Halo Wars LE at my local Gamestop this Saturday. Can't wait to play it, because RTS = smex. The 3 maps, patch, graphic novel, Hero cards, Honor-guard Wraith, and flaming Warthog are all just added benefits.