Re: Gesuido V2 [Anchor=Gesuido]GesuidoAuthor: Nemihara Overall Enjoyment Durability Aesthetics Originality Balance 5/10 6/10 4/10 4/10 9/10 5/10 Map Recap: Gesuido, meaning "sewer" in Japanese, which what this map really reminds you of is sewers. Not that it is dirty or nasty, but because of the geometry of this map which really makes this map stands out. Each team starts out below ground, in their separate bases. Three stories up is where the battle really takes place. Both teams battle to capture the other's flag. But getting to the flag is only the start of it, the hard part is getting out of the base. What I liked about this map was definitely the originality of it. Having bases below ground instead of having them above ground, is a very pleasant change. Now onto what wasn't so great. Firstly you could get out of the map with an easy grenade jump. Although once you were out there you had no where to go, no teleporters to get back up and nothing to kill yourself with. Also the shotgun in the map was quite hard to get, since you had to go through a teleporters which you were automatically shoved out of with a gravity lift (to prevent camping I presume) but the shotgun was place right next to the teleporter. Also getting out of the base was hard to do since you were constantly being attacked from above. Also you could easily spam grenades into poorly placed spawns points. Lastly, the needler dominated the map. And with two of them on the map the team who controlled the middle alays had easy access to one. Overall, this map was extremely original which made me very happy. But everything else was lacking.
Re: Gesuido V2 TXGhost, I replied in your Retrospect thread. Furious, don't worry, the second one probably won't come 'til a while now. School has kept me from finishing up and posting, as well as following TXGhost's advice. Rocket's might be a no-no. I've been fooling around with it, and it's a bit evil underground. I've also been trying to add in vehicles, but they tend to fall in the bases all the time. I'm choosing between a single Ghost, or two Mongooses. (apparently, that's the correct spelling.) Shooting through the floor is a tactical advantage for defenders. If the flag is being carried up, defenders spawn upstairs and can shoot downwards, making getting the flag up very challenging and teamwork based. Assault also works, in case no one's tried it. I personally love playing Neutral bomb, because of the flamethrower. Territories is one of those things I can't really picture. I can't figure where to place them to make them equal, while retaining smallness. I also can't figure locations for KotH either. BTW, in case you think that the underground bases were easy to make, I spent three days just on adjusting the distance and size to make the top level big enough, and even then, I think it could have been better if I had more blocks. But I digress.
Re: Gesuido V2 Hark, another furious reviewer is here to give his opinion! Overall, I give your map a 7/10. I really liked this map, however, with a few changes it could be phenominal. Firstly, the bases. It was way too easy to spawn kill and grenade spam, especially in CTF. I think with a well-placed shield door you could prevent some of that and it would also give the flag carrier a way to escape because I don't care who you are, when you're against a whole team that all respawns right next to where the flag is, it's a ***** to escape. On that same note, spawns up top or spawn areas (different for when the flag is away) could easily make it a bit easier to escape without making it overly easy. Secondly, weapons. The flamethrower... I didn't even know existed. If you were to instead remove the flamethrower and place something like, I don't know a rocket launcher, on top of the bridge would work well. Also, a needler by each of the bases' entrance (with only one clip and a respawn of 2 1/2 minutes) would makety good defense. That being said, upping the spawn time for the sniper rifels (to at least 2 minute) would do well. Lastly, I think your level could benefit from one more entrance to the flag area. Maybe have another tunnel that wraps around from the base of the lowest stairs to the flag. Altogether, great idea, great construction, but a few things could make it phenominal.
Re: Gesuido V2 Hmm...I was wondering about your opinions on the sniper spawn time. I will test it with 2 mins. Changelog: Needler is gone, replaced with a sentinel beam (I'm having doubts about this). Trip Mine and Power Drain have been moved to the top of the overpass. Replaced Splazer with a Rocket Launcher with no clip, spawns in 60secs, but will be changed to 1 and a half minutes. Sniper moved to be closer to the bridge overpass. SMG/PR pair moved to the fence ground of each base. Spiker added near spike grenade, spawning at 20 seconds. Grenade spawn times increased to 20 seconds. Flamethrower moved to a more visible location in the middle. That's all I can think of right now. I'm also thinking of a vehicle to swap out instead of the flamethrower.
Re: Gesuido V2 great map and i love the false floor cause it shows you put alot of effort into the map
Re: Gesuido Just wondering about the general opinion of an idea. Actually, several ideas. First, I'm considering putting a shield door to cover the hole that people are grenade spamming through. I wonder how that might turn out to be. Second, the vehicle I'll put in will probably be a single Ghost in the middle. I was contemplating on putting a 360 Warthog turret in the ground, but it's not firing correctly, and it's stupid hard to get it at the right angle. Thirdly, I've been caught in my dilemma of having a budget of nothing. I'll have to make a new map using the UBG, but I don't want to recreate the entire bases again. Anyways, some more advice would be nice. I'm working on it right now.
Re: Gesuido Well, you could make a "spiritual sucessor" to your own map using the unlimited budget. Have it play similarly, but not the same, maybe have the bottom "tunnel" instead have two directions one can go from the base of the stairs that both lead to the flag spawn., mix it up a bit. Also, I think that a shield door placed correctly could be really great for the map. It'll be a little work, but I definitely think it would be worth it.
Re: Gesuido Hm, hm... I think that the only thing so far I like about the current version available, 1.0, is originality of the base system. That, obviously, is the main theme of this map. The 'Spiritual Successor' to Gesuido sounds interesting enough. I just wanna finish up my last updates, and I give out Gesuido 2. Then I'll begin the succesor.
Re: Gesuido Yeah, I liked that map a lot. The only problem I saw was that the warthog was in a really confined space, and it was hard to manuever and stuffs. I'm stuck on putting spawns in decent spots. I'm considering putting some neutral spawns near the middle. Furious D's Spawn Guide is very helpful at this point.
Re: Gesuido I'm thinking it might be worth looking at flipping the bridges upside down so the black part is up. It will look really sharp like that i think, but really good job on this very neat and clean. keep up the good forging
Re: Gesuido Irritating spawn system... Why is it that whenever there's an enemy guy underneath, Halo wants to spawn defenders above the base?! And when there's enemies above, it spawns defenders underneath!!! If anyone know how to fix it, can you tell me how? I'm reading all of the Spawn Guide, and I'm still perplexed.
Re: Gesuido Yeah, what it tries to do is that it tries to spawn you as far away from your enemy as possible. If you have multiple spawn areas, when the attackers are in your base, you'll spawn out of it, when they're out, you're in. The only way to change that is to have the spawn flag home or spawn flag away areas in or out of your base. That way if you place a respawn flag home inside the base no matter if there's an enemy in there or not, you'll spawn there. But beware of spawn killing. That's why bungie made spawn areas work that way.
Re: Gesuido I dug this map. It was hard at first for me to grab shotgun, but meh. I think that this could easily have been a map that bungie made, it's so innovative and un-foundry like. The only thing that I would recommend is the blocking mentioned be several others. But this one's a keeper.
Re: Gesuido OMFG IT'S FINALLY DONE!!! VERSION 2 IS OUT!!! See first post for more information and changelog from version 1. I have heeded most of you guys' suggestions. Needler, sniper, flamethrower, Spartan laser, and objective dreams have been made true. (except for Territories, at the moment)
The Furious Review By: JediWithASniper Here are my ratings, and review. Enjoyment: 9 out of 10 Balance: 8 out of 10 Durability: 8 out of 10 Aesthetics: 7 out of 10 Originality: 8 out of 10 Have you ever played a map, and thought you were playing slayer for about ten minutes before you realized it was actually a CTF game? Well, that is exactly what happened to me on Gesuido. I was having so much fun killing people, and then I saw a flag emerge from the enemy base... I had a quick choice to make, do I steal the flag, or keep playing slayer? Well, after picking up the flag and scoring, we continued the onslaught until we had a beautiful tie that comes from an insanely well balanced map. I absolutely loved the layout, but I am very glad I had good players on my team, otherwise we would have been toast! I had so much fun on this map, I was sad when we moved to the next one, oh well, you can't always shoot fish in a barrel. My Overall Rating Is: 8 out of 10
Yeah, I'm finished with Gesuido from now on. Now working on top-secret project me and Harukin discussed a while back. furiouspy5.jpg Gesuido is a teeny tiny little Foundry Competative. It's quite fun for such a small map as long as you don't let too many people in. The map is set up for objectives, but has some problems. The tunnels to the flags are long and there are zero escape routs along the entire path from base to base. I started shooting a potential flag-thief with my AR, emptied my mag, and had time to completely reload and finish him off before he got out of the tunnel. Running up the stairs, a flag carrier is exposed from every direction. The teleporter system is very problematic. All it does functionally is add a (very easy) hoop to jump through to get the shotgun, and disorient anyone who goes into it not knowing what it does. Honestly, if you deleted that section of hallway and just put the shotgun on the ground where it was, it would be about the same. The single wall is not high enough to contain players. This pretty much means the map is broken. It's actually not a problem, just don't jump over the wall and your fine, but still. It's beautifully crafted, aesthetically. This is one of the better attempts at digging underground I have seen. I enjoyed our game here, it was the only game I came out posative on my kills (I had a particularly satisfying triple kill with a trip mine, including the flag carrier). The bodies were really starting to stack up because we had too many people there. It went to time limit because scoring was pretty difficult. Pretty map (ha ha, a pretty sewer), but it needs some work. Enjoyability: 6/10 Durability: 5/10 Aesthetics: 9/10 Origionality: 8/10 Balance: 6/10 Pred's Overall Score: 6/10
Rick's Recap Overall Enjoyment Durability Aesthetics Originality Balance 6/10 3/10 4/10 8/10 7/10 7/10 Map Review Haiku: I'm in a hole. I'm in a hole, I'm in a hole. Whoa-oa, in a hole. Review: Enjoyment: I did not enjoy this map at all as a CTF map, and I don't really see myself playing slayer or anything else here because of the painful memories. I was en-rape-en-ated seemingly hundreds of times while I tried to climb out those stairs. And when i spawned on the top of the whole, I had no cover to hide behind and got killed by BR fire. (I'm actually sure a slayer game would be much more fun). Durability: I feel like this map was broken. ANY imbalance in the teams will lead to the weaker team being trapped in a hole for the whole round for objective games. Aesthetics: I actually really liked the look of the map. Though I didn't have much time to check out details. There should be more... stuff around the top level, though. Maybe a crocodile. Originality: This is kind of the opposite of an idea I had a while back, so I like it from an originality standpoint. Not many maps make good use of the third dimension like you have here. Balance: FAIL for larger objective games. Probably not terrible for slayer games, and maybe not for smaller objective games... but I can only attest to the first. Rick's Suggestions: -Make that grav-lift a permanent scenery item. -Create some sort of second way out of the bases. -Write me an apology letter for how much I got spawn-murdered, lol. -Make some sort of structure around the mouths of the bases. -Add more cover. -Don't take the harsh review too badly. With some major and minor tweaks, I think this map could be great... amazing, even. EDIT: I changed this to a 6 when I thought about how much better this'd play with fewer people.