Sandbox Gephyrophobia

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by Trih Xeen, Mar 15, 2009.

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  1. Trih Xeen

    Trih Xeen Ancient
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    I made this map for a Machinima being made by a guy in a group im in called United We Forge! there is a link at the bottom!

    File: Gephyrophobia
    Location: Installation 04
    Info: November 14 2552
    Location and carnage pictures: Gephyrophobia
    After Installation 04 had been destroyed, the human found the only way to a working ship and resources was across the bridge they ironically named Gephyrophobia. Since the destruction of the ring had nearly destroyed the bridge, all that was left to hastily fix was the bridge itself, the monitoring stations on the canyon walls had fallen into the canyon. The "bases" as the humans call them were exposed to open air. Now the humans are in a fight for the bridge, as it contains some sort of Forerunner technology that has yet to be seen by either Covenant or Humans.

    BTW: If you liked the story let me know, I'm thinking about writing more extended things like that for custom maps, and original maps! Rate and comment please! This is basically its first release to the general public.

    Visit United We Forge to see some peer reviews of it. And some other great Maps and Screenshots we have!


    BTW: is the link to the map ok with forum standards?
    #1 Trih Xeen, Mar 15, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2009
  2. coolaid55

    coolaid55 Ancient
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    Hello good sir and welcome to forgehub. Your post is not up to standards. It needs at least one embedded picture. You have (i think) 24 hours to fix your post before forgehub rapes you.

    EDIT: Your map looks pretty good, so it would be a shame if the rest of forgehub didnt get to see it ;)
  3. toasted kittuns

    toasted kittuns Ancient
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  4. El3CTRONiC

    El3CTRONiC Ancient
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    judging by the pics id say this is pretty cool... id sugest fixing the mancannons because they dont always work.... other than that i found it played well ... i suggest u make moar race maps in the future

  5. ImI METAL ImI

    ImI METAL ImI Ancient
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    Wait, why is this in aesthetic maps? It's a remake of the Halo PC map right?

    Edit: Oh, I gotcha. Sorry I didn't see the machinima part. Damn, I would really like to see a competitive version of this map.
    #5 ImI METAL ImI, Mar 15, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2009
  6. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    It's not a race map or competitive map guys, it's for a machinima, it doesn't need to work. Anyway, I think that:

    A. Embed your photos by follow the instructions plenty of people have said already.

    B. For a machinima set it looks really cool! Can you give us a link to it when they finish it?
  7. Trih Xeen

    Trih Xeen Ancient
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    ok, I literally just joined. Yea, its not a race map....and the man cannons shouldn't be in it I thought i took them out.....Im' currently on a 5 hour trip home, so I'll check when I'm there. I'll post a link for the machinima when its done. It is being made by Haloguru13. I believe it is going to be called "So You Want Remakes?" He is using remakes of different maps from Halo: CE.

    This one is just for show, I planned on building the rooms and walkways on the canyon walls, and extending the main support all the way to the ground. But, Bungie has that item limit.... I'm hoping to find some way around that....

    I am planning on making a version that will support more games. This one, not sure if I said, only supports 4v4 slayer and 4v4 CTF. The playable version won't be quiet as long. With, hopefully, enclosed bases.

    The picture will be up shortly!!!
    #7 Trih Xeen, Mar 15, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2009
  8. philthyphillup

    philthyphillup Ancient
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    Well remakes can be aesthetic only. Just because it was remade
    doesn't mean it was made for game play. Good job on the map,
    Ive played it before and it was really nice. ! 4/5
  9. Trih Xeen

    Trih Xeen Ancient
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    Thanks! It would have been better if it wasn't for that item limit.....
  10. Asthetik

    Asthetik Ancient
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    I think its an aesthetic + competitive...
  11. Trih Xeen

    Trih Xeen Ancient
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    the competitive map will be a little better, I'm just gonna keep it hush hush for now ;)
  12. bob the docter

    bob the docter Ancient
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    nice, best remake ive seen in a while
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