WARNING:This map is not interlocked, don't flame me! Now that I got that over with, let's talk about my map. First, a short story: "Do to todays production of buildings in the world, constructors grew desperate. So many buildings have been made, leaving no places left on Earth to construct a building, except for the jagged landscape. Having been low on money, the builders could not flatten out the landscape, and therefore were forced to construct a building that went along with the landscape." Now time for pics! If for any reason they aren't loaded correctly, then apologies. And now time for my stunt man (Nemihara) to show you the elevator, if for any reason you don't see him, that's because he had fun with the active camo. Enjoy!: Deploy the Grav at the bottom of the map, onto the crate... Weeee!! This is guaranteed to work a 100% of the time. If for some reason it doesn't, please inform me. ___________________________________________________ The game is only meant for Slayer. I can't tell you my weapon layout because I don't all of the weapons on there. My Xbox is broken so I can't go on there and get them. I allowed people to where they can get out of the map because this was only meant for slayer, and you can't earn points when your stuck out there. PS: I try to hide my Soccer ball on all my maps, this one I didn't hide it because I put another easter egg on the map. It's really easy to find. Please rate fairly, and honestly. Download
I'd say that for no interlocking, this is a very neat and well designed map. Once I free up some of my custom space on my account, I may download so I can get a better feel for it.
WOW i like it alot i am glad it hasn't got any interlocking, but it would of been alot neater if you had of used it but neither the less it is nice so good job
Is there a reason that you didnt interlock like for a lazy map maker challenge or it was made before you knew how to interlock, what? By the way nice map for no interlocking
If you didn't use the money glitch you could submit to next Lazy Map Makers contest Anyways the map looks amazing, it just interlocking isn't needed for a good map. IF (really big if) I have space on my hard drive I'll download, though I don't thinks there is anyway.
Before I had lost my Xbox360 I had been a big anti-interlocker. I was against it because it was a glitch, and I also took it as a challenge to make better maps without interlocking. I hated glitches because BUNGiE had spent all that time making a game, and we turn around and find something wrong with it. I would hate that if that were my game.
Mhhmm, very interesting layout, and very neat for no intarlawksing. I believe it would've been nice for you to compile a little more data before posting, but that's alright, the pictures describe the map quite well. My only issue is that there are no action shots - I can't tell where the hot spots are, how gameplay is, anything of that nature. Other than that, amazing job, 5/5.
I would have put action game-play shots, if I could get people to actually play on the map. They are all matchmaking people. Plus, my Xbox is broken so I was unable to get it tested.
needs mar interlocks lol, for a map with no interlocking it plays really well, i cant say much for aesthetics though
I thing that interlocking is very good for a map but this is not only what make the map. I am very impress of your map who can use a elevator system with no interlocking ! But the map need to be more better in the gameplay for be really interesthing. 3/5 for this version. Work hard for the V2 !
I can't say that this is the most astetically pleasing map, but it looks like gamplay looks good. I can't really say till I DL this weekend. I'll get back to you with a report.
The map really isn't meant for looks, but rather gameplay. Also, I don't want people rating the map because it's not interlocked. I have several problems with that.