I always seem to have trouble geomerging walls sideways. I want to geomerge it like this: l l----- < scenery wall that I want pushed into foundry wall. l ^Foundry wall I set the geomerge up like I would to geomerge a box and I never goes in the wall. It just screws up and merges with the teleporters on the side. Am I doing something wrong? Is there a different way to geomerge walls? Help would be appreciated.
are you saving and quitting while still holding the box? If not try it, it'll help a lot for any geomerge
It probably has to do with the placement of the doors you're using to push into the wall. Try using only two doors if you're using more, I find that any more and I end up with what you described. Also, Try to keep your doors centered on the walls. Your door/wall setup should look something like this. Code: | | |------| |------------| Door | |^wall |------| | ^Foundry wall The wall should be touching as close to the middle of the door edge as you can get it, so that the door isn't pushing more up than down, or down than up. You want the up and down push to balance, leaving only the forward into the wall push. If you have this for example: Code: | |------| | | Door | |------------|------| |^wall | ^Foundry wall Too much door is above than below, so it is pushing more downward than upward, and your scenery will likely go through your braces and spazz out rather than going into the foundry wall.
What people don't realize when it comes to merging is that there is actually another way. The save and quit method! Instead of using a door and pushing it in you need to interlock a box at the distance you want the object to b e merged. Now once you have both your interlocked box and your braces laid down it is time to merge the object. Just quickly tap "A" twice and it should go in.
Myshots a kill has made a nice guide to geomerging walls. Hope it helps. If not, are you online now? I'll troubleshoot with you if you want. We'll get there in the end!
I had the same problem before. It is vital that the door is set up perpendicular, not parallel, to the wall you're trying to merge. If you look from far away straight at the wall and door, the door should create a "plus sign."
I got my problem fixed. Somebody showed me. Thanks for all the help though. This could be locked if needed.